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An informative post! Thank you for the explanation of "Guards" and the evolution of 1st Slavyansk to 51st Army. Grateful you included the names of the specific brigades that liberated each town starting with Avdiivka. It gives the sitreps a personal dimension; stories of men, not just statistics and acreage. American media straight up lies and never mentions the actual people fighting for the liberation of their oblasts.

I am saddened more Americans don't know the true stories of the Donbass; the stories of miners, steel workers and farmers fighting to keep their Russian heritage and way of life. These stories would strike a nerve with our [American] miners, steelworkers and small farmers. They are losing their livelihoods and even their towns to the insatiable maw of international finance - the same maw devouring the Ukraine. These Americans, and others, are natural allies of the 51st Army and would be cheering for victory if they only knew.

Sometimes I wonder if there is a deliberate policy deep within the bowels of NATO to keep the Russian and American people estranged?

"It takes much more courage to sit and not respond to enemy fire than to be at war and conduct active operations." Worthy of Sun Tzu!

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“Fatherland” yet “Rodina” which I assume to be feminine ?

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There is also отечество

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God I'm pleased to see that. I have long been complaining that the 'civil war' aspect of this conflict is universally ignored and naturally along with it the heroism and long suffering of the Donbas people and troops.

It has always seemed to me that the western masses would never have so readily and docilely let their lunatic leaders promote, foment and encourage this war if they'd known they were setting one part of Ukraine against the other part of Ukraine.

On ethnic lines ! In order to promote ethnic inequality and oppression.

They don't know. They didn't know and they still don't know.

So even though the Donbas States are now part of Russia I still prefer to refer to it in 'civil war' type terms whenever I can: never referring to 'Ukraine' when what is meant is 'Kiev Ukraine' and always considering the good of all Ukrainians when I talk of 'Ukraine'.

After all they - Kiev and Washington, etc. - refuse to accept that it is part of Russia.

Hence they clearly are prosecuting a Civil War. That is how they see it.

And they make no bones about it being on ethnic grounds. Their ethnic hatred is surpassed only by Israelis.

So I like to follow the actions of the Donbas forces when I can and I like to point out to people that this or that action was the Donbas forces.

This is an excellent repudiation of the claims of many hysterical Kiev Ukrainians that the Donbas has been invaded or overrun or captured by Russia for no invaded, captured, overrun people would fight as the Donbas people do.

So I like to have examples to show them, to shut them up and hopefully educate them.

This little essay (in coming up near three years of the conflict) is the best essay I have seen yet that helps me put that view.

Thanks. :)

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Oct 17Liked by Zinderneuf

Yes - 3 wars.

Civil war.

Nato vs Russia

US vs Brics/Eu/Germany to stop trade between Europe and Free world.

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exactly so. :)

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Oct 17Liked by Zinderneuf

''It has always seemed to me that the western masses would never have so readily and docilely let their lunatic leaders promote, foment and encourage this war if they'd known they were setting one part of Ukraine against the other part of Ukraine"

The western filth are still gaslighting. Just heard a Zionist controlled prostitician in Australia justifying sending Abrams to Jewkraine that "we must stand up for the people of Ukraine against the illegal Russian invasion".

As if the people of Ukraine are united as one.

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If you have a link I would like to see it. Hopefully on a forum where one can comment otherwise I'll simply quote the link and pass my opinion on some FB post or my blog or something.

I really is disgraceful AND disgusting the level and type of politicians we have. But it's our fault I guess. :(

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nope. that's not it. but it is an interesting one showing albo and zelensky in a hug and saying aus is sending abrams tanks. I like the way it does say 'Kiev's war with Russia' - I like the 'Kiev' bit for that's accurate.

But in common with all others it fails to point out the civil war nature and says 'with Russia'.

It is that 'meme' that plays directly into the hands of the war mongers.

Directly. It is masterful misdirection, propaganda and fifth column activity all at once.,

And so effete are we, so mimsy and ineffectual and waffling, impotent and peurile it never gets recognised for what it is much less combated.

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No link, I happened by chance to hear the treasonous cunt say it on the radio. But his quote can be easily found.

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so who was it? albo ?

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No not AlbaNAZI. Just dis a search, was the treasonous, over fed, Conroy.

Conroy said: “We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine in their fight against Russia’s illegal invasion. These tanks will deliver more firepower and mobility to the Ukrainian armed forces, and complement the support provided by our partners for Ukraine”.

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