Why do you think Dnipro is left out of the "destruction of Nazification" equation?

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Nice summary. Look forward to follow up articles with further details esp when it gets to indictments, convictions and firing squads. Justice is rare these days.

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This is the unique insights that can be gained only by someone like Marat with a long an unique knowledge of the background to this war . Its better that the general staff deenergize this monsters land completely so that nobody can live in it for the next few decades till nature takes it over .

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I seriously doubt that Russia wants to take over the whole of Ukraine, just the east and Black Sea coast then let those imbeciles in the west worry about the rest of this territory, which is only useful for farmland to make the euro farmers suffer even more.

From the time Russia feels it has the territory it needs any missile response from NATO/Ukraine would be met tenfold at least until western Ukraine is unsuitable for human habitation, ie an empty wasteland. I suppose Blackrock could export weeds to Europe,,,

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I hope some enterprising Ukrainian or Russian will publish online a list of the biggest of these criminals - with their most recent photos and known whereabouts.

Surely, the relatives of some of these trafficked women and children would like to settle accounts. They cannot be allowed to live out their lives in luxury in Monaco, Tel Aviv or Miami.

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Thank you for this detailed report on the criminal activities in the Ukronaziland. It is no surprise though, knowing how corrupt, unethical and ruthless these people, both the Ukronazis and their Western handlers, are. I have to agree that the Russian society and the Russian Federation should not take the heavy burden of such scambags, considering how difficult, if not impossible is, to rehabilitate them as law abiding citizens. They are like an extremely contagious disease that by all means must be contained. So, since there is no effective cure for such lost cases it is much better to burn down the house!

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Remember France in Indochina? They ran the heroin trade. Then they got kicked out and the US took over, yeah, Air America. The British used opium to undermine China. You see there is a pattern. I'm sure that Russia's leadership will come up with a suitable plan.

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This is a well established fact. The very same tactic has been widely used by the US against the Russians just after the dissolve of the USSR. Heroin and other hard drugs flooded Russia in the nineties just an additional instrument to decompose the Russian society from within. The goal was and remains the same; Plundering and looting the natural resources of the Russia to continue the American dream. Still, it was under President Putin and his patriotic entourage that this terrible threat was successfully dealt with. The very same happened with the overconsumption of alcohol as well.

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How would Russia control the lawlessness & corruption in Ukraine- if Russia does not control Ukraine?

Does Russia really want such an entity on it's border?

That is like allowing a cancerous tumor to remain in your leg.

Far better for(and really the only way to thoroughly eliminate the "west" from Ukrainian territory) for Russia to take control over all of Ukraine to ensure extermination of ukronazi's, NATO soldier slaves & the crime networks. Push them into Europe.

Then trade the virulent Ukrainian territories to Poland or just cut them loose in have their banderaland- with no border crossings into Novorossiya(soon to be former Ukraine).

Also- important to remember- when this conflict ends and the Ukrainians realize how many of them are gone(dead) and why- they were used by America/UK/EU as cannon fodder to smash against Russia- the hatred towards the west will be profound.

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Fully concur, evil, like cancer metastasises and as such needs to be excised, best thing Russia can do is have Spetsnaz or Intelligence identify the perpetrators then do what’s needed to ensure they never impact or affect anyone in the nation again, leave it alone, in situ and it will cause incalculable suffering and harms.

Now that you are aware of what’s happening, deal with it, decisively, excise it, destroy it all, including the principals, those who delight in making and living off of the proceeds of this filth, by so doing, you will know that having done so the Russian Federation will be spared the detritus and impact of these reprobates… this action needs to be a priority… especially given the proximity to home for so many impacted, ditto any other who in neighbouring countries, the Baltics, Eastern and Central Europe then step up to fill the void, once it becomes known Russia will deal decisively with such evil perpetrated against its citizens there will be less willingness amongst the criminal elements to pick up that particular cudgel and run with it… trust me it’s the only way, your Spetznaz under the direction of intelligence agencies can run this out of Embassies …. it must be stopped, dead, in its tracks… Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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The brits just want every country to be a shit hole like their country is, they like sharing their pain.

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Posted and shared. Exquisite exposition, the evidence is being systematically gathered, it is being thoroughly anslysed and shared by RF with its allies and friends, globally. Somewhere many many rope and dead-weight manufacturers are busy or the prison systems required are being created and prepared. I live for these days of justice ahead.

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"drugs, and child trafficking, ... call center scams."

Dnepropetrovsk is a special place for small hats because the city houses the largest in Europe synagogue (Menorah) commissioned by two criminals, Bogolyubov and Kolomojsky.

Ihor Kolomojsky used to be the president of the jewish community of Ukraine; he also funded four Nazi battalions: Azov, Aidar, Dnipro I & Dnipro II. The Azov battalion is particularly loved and celebrated in Israel and the US. Guess the Nazi allegiance has become a huge plus for the likes of Kagans, Mileikowsky (bibi), Snotrich, Schumer, Nuland-Kagan, Blinken, Lipstadt, et al. The fascist jewish state is the Jabotinsky's dream come true. "The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel Fascist Past" [and present]: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200127-the-mussolini-jabotinsky-connection-the-hidden-roots-of-israel-fascist-past/

It's beyond belief that the followers of Stepan Bandera (a prominent Nazi collaborator) have turned into the most loyal servants to the small-hats scum. Ukrainians are dying for the interest of zionist banking cartel and mega corporations. And the tragedy is, Ukrainians are not just stupid but traitors to all Slavs.

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Great comment.

So on point & accurate.

I am an expat who knows Dnipro fairly well.

Have you noticed Dnipro has been struck less than any other city in Ukraine by Russia?

This despite it being the #1 transit point across the Dneiper towards the Donbas.

Also home to a lot of heavy industry with many factories.

The fact it has remained so untouched has long concerned me that Putin is compromised by the Jews. This is not the only reason I have this concern, but it is one.

Given the history lesson Putin gave to Tucker Carlson- how can Putin not know about how the Jews have harmed Russia in the past 125 years?

And if he does know, why is it that he appears to be friendly towards the Jews- even accomodating?

I ask these questions because you seem to know quite a bit about Jews in Ukraine and I thought you might have some insight into their influence over Putin.

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Look ya'll can't say nuffin' bad against Vlad.

Yeah, he saved us all from the Western Nazi Gulags and plays Chess v Draught's against the Western political elite, err, whores, but my comment yesterday regarding Nazi Camp commander Bibi visiting him on 12 occasions between 2016-2020 before Bibi was warned off from Kremlin visits by the US Zionist Mafia, went down like a lead balloon.

Israel's Free Pass in Syria is a huge Red Flag in my opinion.

I can understand the kowtowing to the West up until the early 2000's while he picked Russia up of its arse but how it took this length of time to truly ally with Iran was another geopolitical clusterfuck, Iran's biggest enemy being Israel, hmm!

Anyway better late than never, no one's perfect.

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Very interesting.

Pretty sure India is the world leader in telephone fraud. With the double advantage of having the worlds 2nd biggest English speaking population and providing a huge amount of legitimate call center services so the accents are expected when you talk to a bank.

Organ Transplantation - there is a siren that goes off in my head everytime I hearthis charge, the market is not that big and it smacks of appealing to shock and horror rather than logic.

But crime for sure is huge.

I love it how Transparency International have continually raised its Corruptions Perceptions for Ukraine since 2013 (so cleaner) while reducing its rating for Russia over the same time period.



I think we all know how to interpret that.

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They have a good sense of humour, if that matters.

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The Western Billionaires and their Corporation did need for a replacement of Afghanistan...

So today Ukrainistan is the Proud successor. Unfortunately for the majority of modern moron Ukranistanian slaves this newest Western Endeavor to try to gain Control of the Wealth that exists in the Russian territories will end even worse than the Afghan 20 years circus.


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Goes to show that if you don't make it in the entertainment industry you always have politics to fall back on.

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Totally engrossing read: you have added a whole new facet to my knowledge and understanding about this proxy war.

Depressingly, it is no surprise to find that the Zionist puppet which is the British state has played a primary role in turning Ukraine into Europe's central hub for trans-national crime of all varieties.

Your point as to whether Russians should even be CONSIDERING the incorporation of so lost and degenerate a people into their own society is well-put.

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Having lost their main source of income from the Afghani poppy fields, the CIA now peddle synthetic shit to the moronic Euro street urchins.

Pimp daddy rappers Zelensky & Budanov are already in rehearsals for their Hookers & Blow tour.

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You have it backwards.

It took the CIA decades to realise that synthetic drugs are far more profitable than the "natural drugs" - opium, cocaine, heroin etc.

As soon as synthetic opioids such as fentanyl became successful, they dropped Afghanistan.

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