Sep 21Liked by Zinderneuf

"We took a long time to get going, but in the end we have accumulated such firepower that we are simply burning out everything that moves."

Russia, slow to saddle, fast to gallop.

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The bear baiting analogy seems fair.

I’m a little confused about the use of the word “mine” seemingly in reference to offensive operations. Is this perhaps a machine translation issue?

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The word for "mine" in Russian can refer to basically any explosive. I couldn't decide which one to go with. With these translations, we use an actual bilingual human. Russian translations are incredibly difficult even for bilingual people.

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Sep 21Liked by Zinderneuf

Maybe I'm off base.

If so, please forgive my overstep upfront.

I do have some experience with explosives (USMC Combat Engineer), but limited experience with Russian.

English is not clear with its varied definitions for the word, "mine".

1. A place of excavation (pit or tunnel) where ore or minerals are removed.


2. an encased explosive device set in the ground (or water) that explodes when disturbed.

That mixed meaning might complicate things somewhat.

As for translation, in English we have several general military terms that might apply. Without knowing the original word in Russian, I am just guessing. Of the terms we have, two might apply, "ordnance" and "munitions".

Ordnance, refers to all types of military weapons, including bombs, missiles, and artillery shells. Bombs can be classified by their size, shape, and type of explosive material.

Munitions has a similar meaning. Munitions are a collection of weapons and any equipment that goes with them.

If the distinction is ground vs air, maybe "ground ordnance"...

There are explosive ordnance and munitions and non-explosive. Or maybe the author is simply saying there was less shelling (artillery) because more aviation guided bombs (FABs) were used.

I didn't mean to muddy the waters. I appreciate the report and the time and effort to make it available. The US and West needs this perspective. It would be nice if Westerners realized they provoked this conflict in every way possible in an arrogant bid to use Ukraine to make Russia suffer. It is tragic and truly evil.

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We'll take note of all of the above. Thank you! We're always learning.

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I wish you and all involved all the best. May God protect you and may He grant you many years. You help many of us who would be ignorant continue to learn.

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Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

Bravo from the USA!! We HATE what our Zionist controlled government is doing in Ukraine and Palestine. The conservative citizens of the USA know we have much more in common with Russian Christians & tortured Muslim Palestinians than the insane zionists who have infiltrated all levels of our Gov't!! Free Russia, Free Palestine & Free the USA of Psychopathic, Genocidal, Parasitic Zionists NOW!!

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Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

If the Western warmongers and their corrupt proxies hadn't glossed over the past and drowned in their own mirage, they might have expected this slow but sure awakening of Russian strength, but it seems that their very nature is somehow incompatible with reality. They will always prefer their lock-in construction to the slow, living recognition of the facts. Taking advantage of this at the lowest possible cost in lives requires patience, which is not a virtue highly regarded in this day and age.. As for the unfortunate Ukrainians, like all proxies, they are paying dearly.

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Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

thanks... go, russia go!

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

Thanks Marat , even some of the honest Ukies are stating that they haven't the ammo or heavy metal to go toe to toe with the Russian stamina. So they have to fall back, not to mention that they don't have Commanders or NCOs that can coordinate their defenses. And in other words - there is no long term commo between the units and with a front that Long Long ways- its gonna be rough going.

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Great article, only thing wrong about it is the description of the Palestinian resistance factions and their allies as terrorists. We all know that Israel is the real terror state.

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Yes, I understood Marat to be dismissing the Israeli and Western propoganda portrayal of Hamas and the other Palestinian resistence fighters as 'terrorists'. As you say, we all know who the real terrorists are.

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Marat definitely does not support Israel. It was sarcastic, in a way.

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Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

I don’t think it was written as his opinion, but more like an Israeli / Western point of view.

But I agree with you on who is the real terrorist.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

Similar in a way to how the Russian juggernaut increasingly gathered more momentum after the original battle of Kursk, resulting in the decimation of the Luftwaffe & the destruction of around 74% of the Werhrmacht.

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When I was young, this kid wanted to fight, but I did not.

So I let him beat me up for a while and said you win, you won, now stop.

He upset me by continuing to fight.

He is lucky I didn't kill him that day, but he later apologized to me....

Too bad the Arrogant West never looked at the map, or only upside down.....

I wish the West could declare Fictory and go back to sniffin' glue, but I won't hold my breath.

Now every time I wake up I am impressed the world is still here, after the Arrogant West upset most o f Russia

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Sep 20Liked by Zinderneuf

It's interesting that the description of two-line defence of AFU basically affirms AFU wasn't a pushover. RuAF needed to be very careful and intelligent about breaking AFU.

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Sow the wind; reap the whirlwind.

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