I personally believe that these USSA atrocities come about because of Zionism. Zionism is Satans own religion. It makes its adherents to believe that all people other than Zionists are subhuman. It's easy then to commit all manner of atrocities in the name of their religion and feel justified. Zionism is the worst scourge to ever infest the earth and the USSA and Israhell are the seat of it.

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Please provide a link to The Watson Institute referred to in the article above.

My Google search took me to a place in Pennsylvania that provides “Services: Approved Private School program for student with special needs up to age 21. and…”

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linked by the author in a reply to another comment https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/social/rights/torture

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Thx 🙏 got it.


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This would probably be it https://home.watson.brown.edu/. Try googling Watson institute military.

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The US is a crime syndicate.

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It would be helpful to have some links to sources for these terrible crimes

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Its a very well written article though I did not know of all these other prisons that existed other than camp bucha, and the infamous ‎Guantánamo Bay. Off course nothing that the US does surprises me anymore, since these evil maniacal people will never be brought to trial and so they continue pepertrating this horror everywhere they go. The creation of this empire was equally horrific and thats all they know rewriting history glorifying themselves as the saviours of this world. I honestly do not understand this mindset and what drives their motivation to do what they do, words fail me. Thankfully the global majoirty is beginning to understand.

Russia by standing up to these evil elites in the west is the only good thing that is happening though once again Russian society is also paying a great price in blood,sweat and tears.

More power to them!

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I interviewed for a Project Manager job while I still had residency in Ukraine 2008 or etc. , and the job was with a E U company that worked closely with American companies, and was going to build a " Immigrant Base" just inside the Ukie border , next to Romania. The Company was Edelweiss and I actually got to read the scope of the project and even with my short past military time in Nam, I could see it was a base with a large Helio base attached. Having lived in Ukraine long enough , I knew some the immigrants came from the Stan countries, but never could figure out why there would be an immigrant problem coming from an E U country, unless Odecca was going to be bringing in immigrants, which I never saw when I would stay in Odecca with friends.

I had all the experience for the position, but was told that I didn't have enough building experience in the EU, in order to get the position. My reply was - You are not building this base in the EU, you are building a base in Ukraine - where I have all the experience needed. That was it . Ukraine had a lot of foreign companies working inside of it. I even ran into the project manager for Bechtel , he had a project over at Chernobyl going on.

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The land of the free and home of the brave, what a joke!

Those dupes/patsies are certainly not free and the majority are cowardly drug fuelled fat cucks.

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It's mortifying to realize one lives in such a place. I recently read that 500,000 immigrant children are "missing." The horrors. It's unspeakable. But to my average neighbor, they don't care. They don't care their own government released two bio-weapons against them the COVID virus and then the criminal "vaccine." They simply do not care. For those of us who do, there is literally nothing we can do but wait for the suffering to boomerang against us. Black Magic always turns against its practitioners and pain is the only teacher. So be it though all of it is wholly unnecessary.

I had a dream once where Colonel Qaddafi was sitting astride a great white horse in the shallows of a long beach. He was facing the maelstrom of a colossal sea storm, sword held aloft challenging the storm as lightening crashed all around and thunder roared like the end of days. From my perch in a palace on the sea cliff, I watched in awe. Whereupon returning inside, Obama and his team of advisors were stealing my jeans and my television.

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This is a shout out and thank you to Eagle Horse 5. Your polite encouragement is awesome.

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The USA is, far and away, the most vile nation that has ever existed. It is a thieving, mass murdering, genocidal shithole nation.

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I'm sure you'd love living in Russia

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This is such an important topic to expose but so disturbing to learn. No animal ever tortures for fun except corrupted semi humans. Heart breaking to read those numbers but a privilege to have this knowledge as we fight for decency in a world polluted by inhumane owners and their well trained thugs. As always, thank you for the education Marat.

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Thank you so much for this deep-dive into the moral cess-pit and profound psychopathology of collective American imperialist psyche.

How can it be that here in the 21st century - after we have achieved space travel(!) - that the (soon to be NOT) Hegemon can be perpetuating barbarities which exceed ANYTHING Rome found it necessary to resort to in the 10 times longer period in which it was the Hegemon across Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia? Once the world has cleansed its palate of Isra-merica history will judge this American hegemony very harshly. It is in pole position for recognition as the moral midnight-of -the-soul of the whole human story. I am just sorry I will not be around to see it be correctly recognised in that way.

I keep thinking about Eisenhower's designation of German POWs as 'Disarmed Enemy Forces' in order to put them outside the Geneva convention so he could starve them to death (one million of them!), and wondering if that was where all this started. Wasn't Eisenhower German? Are not the English of the last 1500 years essentially Germanic, making America so too? If you can do what Eisenhower did to YOUR OWN RACE, what kind of man are you? What WOULDN'T you be capable of doing to non-ethnics (Hiroshima and Nagasaki!)? What hope is there for you? Could demons escaped from Hell to walk the earth have done more harm to human society over the past 85 years? It would be a close-run thing but I think Isra-merica would edge it.

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excellent overview on the reality behind the propaganda bs fed in the west daily.. thank you..

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By his reference to "Watson Institute," I assume our host means Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, USofA. That may be an inaccurate assumption on my part. FWIW, I am not successful finding in their archive treatment of this subject of US prisons abroad, the most secret of which are run, as I am given to understand, by CIA and their thick cloud of NGOs. Again, this may reflect my inadequacies. I do, however, scholar in me and all, have definite and unapologetic bias for primary literature.

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Tolstoy covered the how & why of a countries large prison population within Tsarist Russia in his last novel " Resurrection "

" All these institutions [prisons] seemed purposely invented for the production of depravity and vice, condensed to such a degree that no other conditions could produce it, and for the spreading of this condensed depravity and vice broadcast among the whole population.”

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Know what? Im cross-posting this as a comment to https://barsoom.substack.com/p/to-shatter-mens-souls Seems to me the only difference between communists and liberals is that communists didn't know what they were doing so they failed. Or maybe... they were actually more humane than liberals? After all, communism is "for all", whereas liberalism clearly allows "for me" as a viable option.

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You STILL think we are liberal societies? Dude, look at us. We are, and have always been, Fascist societies. Most vanilla people are not "liberal", they just haven't examined their ideologies, and so they say "liberal" as a knee-jerk. In fact, most are programmed to be far-right.

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Same people, different ideological excuse.

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