Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

By striving to uneducate the masses in order to better impoverish and control them, they have uneducated themselves. Can they still understand that war is a system, not an advertisement? Apparently not. But Russia does. Thank you all!

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Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

Great article. Thanks

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Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

The art of war is once again being taught to the western powers that command this BS. Napoloeon before them, the French and British combined and finally the Germans have never been able to understand Russia, its history, its culture and equally the mindset as to what it stands for. Which is why they have always failed. Positing an idea here: The hate which the Combined West has for Russia and and everything it stands for has clearly been exposed. Unfortunately Russians are once again sacrificing a great deal of blood and treasure to stand up to this pure evil. God bless them they will be victorius.!

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Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

Thank you for the meticulous analysis. My family fought German occupiers in Greece as members of the guerilla force under the command of the Greek Communist Party. I grew up with the stories of the battles won in the Eastern front by the Red Army. We knew who defeated the Nazis and how they did it and it was not the Americans or the British but the glorious Red Army who made it possible. This is a tradition written in blood and it manifests itself as the real art of warfare. Slava Russia!

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Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

Will the UK journalists take note of any of this?

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Get real, mate.

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Thank you, Marat.

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Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

Bless you, Marat, and keep you and your fellow warriors safe. There are many of us in the West who understand that Russia holds the moral high ground, and the necessity of a Russian (and global South) victory.

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Sep 23Liked by Zinderneuf

I always knew Russians would win they have PhDs in war, while our generals giving ukies orders, have BS in politics and other nonsense. They are politicians and weapons salesmen not trained in art of war. Not to mention Russia has superior manpower and industrial base. My only worry is these man children running USA may not take a loss and turn over chess board with WW3. Everybody loses. Now is most dangerous time. Will they accept loss gracefully or go with Zelensky's WW3 plan?

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See Alex Krainer's latest. There are a few signs for some hope.

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Thank you for that friend.. heart rate decreasing already...I had heard similar from Wilkerson on the Judge but nice to have some more data.

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