Excellent article, short, to the point, fact-based. Thank you.

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The US took the imperial mantle from Britain and is heading in the same direction, bankruptcy.

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The Hegemon fell 6 or 7 years ago - everything since has been angry bluster and denial. US has long known it is not king but is bullying anyone and everyone all the same.

How do we know MAG Again! A Trump admission back in 2016 - 8 years again.

The world is a lot clearer once one realises that the US is not adding to its woes by threatening everyone but acknowledging its woes.

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I can't talk in any detail but as a long-time defense worker I can say that there is significant, catastrophic underfunding in areas I have experience with. The margin in logistics and maintenance is slim and has been stretched to its limit. There will be insurmountable issues within a few weeks of a mid/high intensity conflict. But the bureaucracy at the middle/working level, although they talk-the-talk are unimaginative, inflexible, ponderously inefficient and blind to the magnitude of the problem.

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Wise Iran.

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Not alone are they only 85% staffed, of these crew, only 10% or less of them would be accepted by the Russian or Chinese navies.

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Sep 11Edited

LMAO. Your post reminds me of Martyanov... He says all the time US Generals would not be allowed to command a battalion in Russia.

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I am not enough of a Jane’s Defense junkie to argue the minutiae here. But I do know US is suffering an internal crisis of confidence that no amount of military force can overcome. A recent survey said 2/3 of American young people agree with the phrase “America is a dying empire doing evil in the world” (a paraphrase from memory but still). We can spend endless amounts of unaudited “funny money” beefing up our hardware or moving pieces around the Risk Board of the World, but in the end, if the spirit is dying, the flesh will be unwilling.

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The US Navy has been driving around in a circle for the past 35 years - of course their ships are wearing out along with the monies it takes to repair them. Their Admirals are too busy stuffing their retirement pockets to care about the future of the country, so eventually the piper has to be paid. But no one cares. It's a Free for all to get as much as you can get - Damn the future.

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How long does aviation fuel on a carrier last before port-refuelling becomes imperative ? Surely that is the main operational constraint on time on station since planes are defence for carrier and yet distance to shore is the Oniks problem for the carrier and the roundtrip constraint for the aircraft

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I believe the U$ Navy also has tankers in their CSG.

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Ayup. After our heads go under for a 3rd time, they may send a rescue team to put us out of our misery for good.

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