You are my new favorite columnist. Maybe you'll be interested to know that I grew up in a place called Los Alamos, NM. It's where they made the fissionable pits for nuclear warheads among many other nefarious endeavors. Me own dear dad reviewed weapons plans prior to submittal to DOD for approval. Up through the 70's and 80's Lost Almost was a hub for braniacs, once said to have had the highest per capita percentage of PhD's in the world.

Now they can't produce one pit a year. I think it's nerly time the rest of the world can finally stop being afraid of the Evil Empire. Yay!

I just hope we don't suffer as much as we deserve to.

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Earlier today, I read Simplicios citing Woodwards new book's version of the conversation between Shoigu and Austin where Austin boasts about the Outlaw US Empire having the most powerful military in the world. My reaction: Austin's deluded beyond deluded and has no idea that the Empire's MIC has run onto a reef and is listing while taking on water but isn't yet afire. Even if Marat's report is only 50% correct, the delusion still exists and the ship's run aground.

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US debt growing at $2 Trillion per annum pace, for the current calendar year. Chunks of the professional class getting paid off to freeze things in place, too. However on the whole, I think too docile to revolt or anything like that. It'll be a long, sad, way down.

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Oct 18Liked by Zinderneuf

Well. That was sobering. And they send B2s to bomb a third rated sandal-AK47 army. That’s what this super duper technology has been used for fight weak countries with no navy or air force. Americans are infatuated with fancy gadgets that break down as soon as they used in real situations like M16 that could not handle the mud.

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Luckily there is no shortage of cardboard and pallets or plywood for folks who have no homes , although they keep clearing them off the sidewalks of scAmerica, where do all the homeless people go when the rich cities push them farther away?

To BrOakland, killafornia

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If I ran the Russian part of the war Marat, lol I would have taken out Zelensky, a long, long time ago , plus his next in line and his next in line until the real people who are calling the shots on the Украине war side - wanted to talk directly with me. Especially since they have already - Tried to take me Out. But , everybody has an opinion and this is my 2 rubles worth. Keep your head down.!

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Oct 18Liked by Zinderneuf

Wow! Just Wow!

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Oct 18Liked by Zinderneuf

This is great news.

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Great articles exposing the myth of Super Duper US with facts!

In 1989 I went to New York as 17 year old to work for the summer, my father was in New Jersey also working with massive US corporation who were opening an office in our country. Both of us thought America was Super Duper before that summer. All our lives brainwashed with TV and movies.

After that summer the paradigm shifted. We both saw the facts! Unbelievable poverty, incredible wealth, witnessed at same moments. Ridiculously low IQ of almost everyone encountered, obesity of so many (even in 1989). So many facts!

It has taken a long time since then for the world to wake up to these facts. The US is not a SOCIETY, it is a country of gangsters whose sole purpose is to get rich quick and fuck the consequences.

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

So true. I arrived in the US at the end of 1988. Incredible wealth and poverty juxtaposed, indeed. There was still a technical cadre which took pride in teamwork and competence, though the seeds were sown for their replacement by financial BS (roughly during Reagan I believe), and would soon flower and get actively welcomed starting with Clinton.

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Oct 18Liked by Zinderneuf

Yep, I traveled through on my way to Mexico from LAX in '88 or '89. Border hopped all the way to Florida, and then back to LA via Las Vegas (a disgusting cesspit that needs urgent nuking).

Shit food, sub-standard housing, many wrecks driving on the road, ghettos, and very polite but thick as planks people. But the chicks were easy to lay :)

Certainly wasn't what the Brady Bunch led us to believe LOL

It is a 3rd world shithole masquerading as an advanced society.

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Oct 18Liked by Zinderneuf

Great article. The Hegemon is financially bankrupt. The defence industry works with a profit motive unlike Russia and has been exposed with manufacturing high priced items that have turned out to be of little use in a 21st. Century war. Zelensky's victory plan is absolute garbage, greedy freaks that only want to fill their personal coffers that when the end comes they might get to escape to the West just like what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq. Pointless even discussing this voctory plan.

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"big plan" for victory...like a sick comedy )))))

item 1.: We join NATO ....rest is meaningless

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Oct 18Liked by Zinderneuf

it's called 'waste'... and as head salesman, z is asking money to keep the military industrial complex churning.. anyone who thinks it is going anywhere else, aside from the corrupt officials and politicians pockets are dreaming..

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I knew that things were bad, just look at the Brits failures of test launches, two out of two fails. That the US is in such a parlous state is an exemplar for Dr Hudson's contention of what happens to debt fueled economies. What shouldn't be a surprise is how western elites have insulated themselves into an information space that censors and censures the bearers of bad news. I'd add that if any of this was brought to public attention it would be twisted so more grifting could take place.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17Liked by Zinderneuf



Andrew Cockburn reckons it is close to $2 trillion.

Actually compared to health spending it is not so bad.

Maybe 5% of GDP spend to get 2.5% worth.

In health it is 18% to get wore outcomes than European countries with 12%.

Mind Washington makes more out of Health than even the MIC.

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Oct 17Liked by Zinderneuf

As always, Marat’s analysis and fact based comments pull me away from the anxiety i feel every time we have to listen to the moron fascists.

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