Trump has all the integrity of a U.S. dollar bill.

He is pathological in his behavior and his talk.

He has already demonstrated with his appointments that he's no better than Biden's crew, morally and Constitutionally.

"America First" is a false facade of pretense and hologram.

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Hopefully Putin will withstand the acute provocations being thrown at him until Trump takes office. If Trump is smart maybe America can avoid a reset like we gave Germany and Japan in 45-46. The German and Japanese people had little knowledge of what their governments were doing in eastern Europe and mainland Asia; we held them accountable nonetheless. Maybe the American people need to be held accountable for the "crimes against humanity" perpetrated by our Government, its military, NGOs, etc.,

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I'm glad you are very optimistic with the USA getting straightened out by Trump, but I'd like to see the Las Vegas odds on that one. The One World Order is still a very powerful and dangerous Cabal. It'll take more to straighten out the US than it did for President Putin. The Russian people were/are much more unified towards their county and their history was a strong influence. It will take 10 V. Putins to get America back on track. My 2 rubbles worth. Thanks Marat.

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Thank you Marat for your indepth analysis...💯 and is worthy of global broadcast.

US and part of Europe funding the never-ending proxy wars elsewhere is to the benefit of what exactly, its certainly not for domestic growth. US National Debt over 35 trillion 🤑 and rising; helping what ?

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Trump and co. are smart enough to get into a war with the entire Islamic world instead. Their god (money) wills it.

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Fully agree, the U.S, their foreign and security policy the last three decades or so, having been run by the supposed smartest, the YALE, Harvard, Princeton, MIT set, the supposed adults in the room those captured in thinking, Neocons, adherents to the Brezinski, Wolfowitz doctrine have shown themselves up to be totally 8nept, incapable, blowhards the lot of them with out sized egos, sitting around as they do, thinking their shitzen don’t stink, the results of their miscalculations a permanent brown halo around the lot of them, a stench attaching to that halo as one would expect from shit… they will be indicted on Jan 20 ones hopes for the destruction they have wrought, along with Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al, and every other miscreant who colluded, sucked up and participated in this all but treasonous behaviour, if not treason, RICO will I am certain be their undoing, their colluding for personal gains, enrichment, familial, friends, acquaintances all benefitting directly or indirectly from the decisions taken, decisions antithetical to everything that the U.S Government purports to do for the constituents it serves… bring it on I say these ass holds deserved locked up, Gitmo beckons, if not Gitmo, a Post and blindfolded would be my first choice… Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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LOL! Imagine saving your country by saving money. xD What strange times we live in.

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Nice one comrade Khairullin!

So 1.3 million stooges make up the US Armed forces . . . . and a survey shows only 8% of them can point out Ukraine on a world map.

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Ever read Asimov's original Foundation novels?

No matter what, the Empire was going to fall. How can America save itself, requiring a change of course, when all the forces that put it into this direction are still built-in to the system?

Even if it had 4 years of course-correction (And lets face it, Elon and Trump are not that team, Tulsi, JFK, Stein and Bernie may have had a small chance), the System will just reassert itself. It is now embedded at every level of the society, education, media, private wealth.

As soon as the robber-barons of Rome ran out of places to steal from, the Empire collapsed. The unbridled greed at the top - like floating turds - ensures the society will be hollowed out, and will collapse from within.

Collapse is built into the very memetic structures.

Just like exploitative-capitalism (As opposed to cooperative-ownership capitalism) will inevitably go through "Crises".

The ruling classes want 'Happy slaves' willing to survive on peanuts and cast-offs. Generally, people are not happy with that.

This is why the US is racing towards a technocratic, technologically complete dictatorship.

I'm SO SURE Trump and Musk aren't down with that plan.


At most, they might cut some military bloat. More likely, they'll cut the essential aid that is keeping Americans alive, and ensure a revolution comes sooner.

And then we all have to pray that the lunatics in the US only use their WMDs on each other.

The country is a basket case that makes the USSR look well-managed.

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"The country is a basket case that makes the USSR look well-managed."


Not so much "well-managed" as DIFFERENTLY, per Dmitri Orlov. Those differences in management style/infrastructure choices allowed populations of the former USSR to survive their social collapse a bit better than 90% of the present USA population might?


I do believe we are down to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic by now. But maybe we can tie a bunch of 'em together and build a raft.

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I watched that a couple of months back - maybe it was you who replied to me then with it?

Yes, Orlov makes good points. He's often on my YT circuit now.

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Yeah, I keep putting it out there...

Sorry to see Dmitri's sense of humor has become a bit strained lately, my own may be too.

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Nov 21Edited
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Well, to take it back to the novels, Asimov originally set it up that the Empire would fall, and be replaced by a new empire based on the 2 Foundations - which would be ruled in secret by an Intellectual elite hiding in the shadows, and who have developed psychic powers (AKA 'Voice' and the BG ;) ).

In the considerably later 4th volume, Foundations Edge, he entirely modified that so that the true Future would be NOT Imperial, but the precise opposite - a civilisation of true egalitarianism, a civilisation not of fake 'every human is the same', but a conscious web that enveloped the ENTIRE biosphere, and took into account every living creature's wants and needs as a whole. The precise opposite of Empire, whether of Old Empire, or Foundation Empire. A CO-OPERATIVE civilisation!

Essentially, he grew up. And the story grew with him. (It was also the first 'adult' sci-fi book I read as a child, and definitely had a huge impact).

The whole "Escape to the planets" - at least with current technology available - is just a pipe-dream. It would be infinitely easier to build an underground base on Antarctica for survival, and pray the plague bombs aren't spread by the winds. KSR's 'Red Mars' trilogy is far too optimistic, lol. Although Arkady was always the true hero imo :).

There is no survival in space for humans - barring the 'alien help' you mentioned. Personally, I wouldn't trust a Guild Navigator taking a couple of thousand human refugees - when they COULD have stepped in at any point to stop all this insanity anyway. My 2p.

BTW, have you seen this now 'ancient' hilarious YT vid? :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_xI_8aLjds Sadly also wildly optimistic in its own 'solutions', tbs.

The key problem is the entire 'Empire' meme. Can be summarised as "forcing others to work for you". If humanity is to have a future, then private co-ops is The Way. Enforced by (Hopefully global) law.

Such a law would make future wars totally implausible - what would be the point for future elites to start wars, when they couldn't rob the victim population even if they succeeded?

Later, as we are already doing, we can admit the other species to also have rights, and bring them back into the Pagan fold.

This is the Secher Nbiw.

Nice to meet a fellow sci-fi lover. <3 :)

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Unfortunately for the hegemon, it's not the Oval Office that is pulling the strings. If you look behind the curtains, you'll find what Ray McGovern calls "the MICIMATT complex" (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank), with AIPAC at the apex!

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The Arrogant Aggressive West is broke as fuck. We eat shit. We starve. We sleep on cardboard and stale dreams. We think we are so great . I don't...

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Da Grasshopper and with African countries starting to nationalise their gold & mineral deposits it's going to get a lot more painful in the Garden of Eden.

Welcome to the Jungle!

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we're going to see soon enough.. thanks for your work!!

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Is the punch line that Musk is going to save America by cutting out all the por-barrel spending and abolishing all the govt. programs and unnecessary Departments in the Executive Branch?

This is contrary to the interests of the political class, the donor class, the supporters of the NGOs, the Intel agencies, not to mention the MIC the Oligarchs and the Banking Establishment.

The resulting decline in the GDP, would be huge, and the unemployment rolls would skyrocket... especially if the downsizing was completed within 4 years.

Meanwhile, increased spending plans are significant. The nuclear weapon plan to replace old, outdated, and often faulty parts of the triad is expected to cost $1.5 Trillion, before cost over-runs and delays endemic in Defense/MIC project. Then there is the need to develop effective Air Defense, replacing all the expensive but inadequate current systems and increase production quantities perhaps 50 times, to cope with modern war. President Trump has promised to actually protect Americans with Air Defense, for a change, starting from scratch. The inadequate Patriot system now costs over $1B per setup, armed with enough missiles to last a day in Ukraine. It still can't hit a supersonic missile.

How can the Military be renovated to this extent at huge cost, while just about everything else in Govt. is cut to the bone?

By Elon?

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Nov 21Edited

Yep. Far from a reduction in MIC spending, due to the obvious inadequacy of the Armed forces vs Yemen (nevermind Iran or Russia, and don't even bother discussing China)... the next 4 years in the US is going to see the biggest increase in arms spending of all time I think. It won't help the "real economy" one bit, but they'll do it, with printed money while they can still print it easily. And let the following Presidential administration worry about the effects of that. Elon (with Soros Jr now in tow) is just positioning to get an even bigger piece of the pie.

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Don't kid yourself. Trump is weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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Are you joking FF, I got my both my Masters and PhD at Trump University and well cheap too @ $299 a semester?

My manager at Burger King says if I keep my head down I could be promoted to the day-shift.

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Trump U has coupons, you know.

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After Trump's first term and even if God saved him I'm not sure given his personality defect; narcissism. Maybe he's got more astute minders this time. But the real battle is with the permanent state you just described. The Americans love the Roman symbols with their capital decked out in neo-classical architecture, plus all the free mason symbolism, well, it's emulating Rome in every way, "barbarian" invasion, a decrepit oligarchy, rampant money printing... it's a long list. The ending will be same, dissolution.

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😃 🤩

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