Sep 16Liked by Zinderneuf

I keep saying WOW! These talks are so enlightening. Never heard of Rysn Dawson before and he is brilliant. I have followed all these confiicts but his anslysis has made everything so clear. Excellent ptesemtstion

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He's showing up everywhere isn't he? We know what THAT means.... and he just happens to have a complete misread on Trump. Surprise surprise, a mysteriously amplified person shit-talking Trump......just in a very measured tone.

Trump and Xi are buddies. Stop seeing countries as being ALL good or ALL bad and you can stop reading eveyrthing-Trump completely wrong.

Iran is only bad because the CIA controls it. But stay tuned.

Mexico is not an enemy- get over the tough-talk, you are watching political maneuvering.

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Are you sure your comment was meant for me? My comment was vague and I am not sure how your response relates to my comment. Feel free to correct me if I missed the point.

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I like the whole conversational style and the way that this was produced. It’s always good to get more of Marat out of there! I don’t know if Ryan presented the way that he did to aid in translation, but it did come to my mind 😄.

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Lol, yes, a few people pointed this out. He loosens up a bit after a few minutes!

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Sep 16Liked by Zinderneuf

This was great! Ryan is 99% on target. There needs to be a few clarifications though as to who these evil Zionist Nazis are. They are actually the worst form of Nazi to ever live. They are parasites. Additionally there are a number of Evangelicals who are real nut jobs. They are waiting for the "End Times" and it can't happen fast enough so they are willing to keep provoking Russia to make it happen this "2nd coming of Christ". Like I said "Nut Jobs"!

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Sep 16Liked by Zinderneuf


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