With all these hamlets, villages and towns sharing the same/similar names it must play havoc or at least present logistical challenges. Even in the peaceful environs of the English countryside with no shells lighting up the sky, nor mangled carnage, on a cold winter's night, chugging along at 20 miles an hour, one has been known to take a wrong turn and end up well off the intended beaten track, up the Khyber Pass if you're hopeless with maps and directions. The point is, we all know how daft your common garden Ukrainian is; they're as stupid as they are brave, and they're very brave; no, I hear you protest, not as stupid as the Polish, who incidentally, should you ever get into a skirmish/fracas with, absolutely no head shots, waste of time, go low, go for the soft belly/stomach.
Anyway, places in Ukraine, similar/same names, missiles exploding everywhere, every 5 minutes. It could easily happen that Private (insert any Neo-Nazi AZOV surname), designated driver, the only one not on the latest US chemical-lab designed hallucinatory drugs, ends up 360km in the wrong location, a peaceful village, and most fortuitously, just in time for the village's annual barn dance (Free Skrumpy-Jack Cider), with a bevvy of buxom Ukrainian farming wenches (with no men around since the middle of the SMO) and thus, saved by this great fortune, this act of god, of not being so intelligent, are able to sit out the war in peace and tranquility, and all the while, the Azov commander, red in the face, contorted, conflicted, and screaming hysterically into his battlefield NATO supplied superior radio-equipment . . . . . which incidentally the Russians are signal tampering, lancets at the ready, hovering menacingly in anticipation of the next batch/crop of 3 week-trained fodder's arrival . . . . . blue-murder as to their whereabouts, having to call up reserves from another area of the frontline, who end up lasting 5 minutes as a thermobaric missile hits them in the face., OUCH!!!!
A Greek called Aeschylus purportedly said 'In war, the first casualty is truth'; I disagree, moral compass goes first, the verbal diahorrea hits the fan thereafter.
With all these hamlets, villages and towns sharing the same/similar names it must play havoc or at least present logistical challenges. Even in the peaceful environs of the English countryside with no shells lighting up the sky, nor mangled carnage, on a cold winter's night, chugging along at 20 miles an hour, one has been known to take a wrong turn and end up well off the intended beaten track, up the Khyber Pass if you're hopeless with maps and directions. The point is, we all know how daft your common garden Ukrainian is; they're as stupid as they are brave, and they're very brave; no, I hear you protest, not as stupid as the Polish, who incidentally, should you ever get into a skirmish/fracas with, absolutely no head shots, waste of time, go low, go for the soft belly/stomach.
Anyway, places in Ukraine, similar/same names, missiles exploding everywhere, every 5 minutes. It could easily happen that Private (insert any Neo-Nazi AZOV surname), designated driver, the only one not on the latest US chemical-lab designed hallucinatory drugs, ends up 360km in the wrong location, a peaceful village, and most fortuitously, just in time for the village's annual barn dance (Free Skrumpy-Jack Cider), with a bevvy of buxom Ukrainian farming wenches (with no men around since the middle of the SMO) and thus, saved by this great fortune, this act of god, of not being so intelligent, are able to sit out the war in peace and tranquility, and all the while, the Azov commander, red in the face, contorted, conflicted, and screaming hysterically into his battlefield NATO supplied superior radio-equipment . . . . . which incidentally the Russians are signal tampering, lancets at the ready, hovering menacingly in anticipation of the next batch/crop of 3 week-trained fodder's arrival . . . . . blue-murder as to their whereabouts, having to call up reserves from another area of the frontline, who end up lasting 5 minutes as a thermobaric missile hits them in the face., OUCH!!!!
A Greek called Aeschylus purportedly said 'In war, the first casualty is truth'; I disagree, moral compass goes first, the verbal diahorrea hits the fan thereafter.
A very detailed and concise description of the battlefield !
Thanks Big
Best and most accurate war reporting available. Many thanks for your efforts!!