Why are "western" mouthpieces disparaging the word "hypersonic" ? Surely all that matters is this missile flew >2,000 kilometres in 11 minutes, evaded a plethora of air defenses and hit Tel Aviv and the "west" couldn't do a thing about it ?

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Sep 18·edited Sep 19Liked by Zinderneuf

Marat always has good finals, summing up and furthering his subject for our reflexion. Today I note “those who play for us”... Them and their representatives we follow breathlessly through the informational chaos. It's because they play for no one but themselves that traitorous governments get entangled in their own game. Their objective is hollow.

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Very interesting indeed! Sad that we're seeing all these new & improved ways to kill.... rather than new & improved things to benefit mankind. It is nice to see underdogs & long abused populations finding ways to fight for their freedom & against oppression, but the trajectory does not bode well for humanity. The MIC & suicidal zionist cult must be very happy w/the escalations.

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Sep 18Liked by Zinderneuf

Operation Yemeni Mincemeat

Cloak & Dagger

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Sep 18Liked by Zinderneuf

good overview.. thank you... more questions then answers is good..

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