Dear Marat. All of this technology and its production is important, no doubt. But I can't help thinking about the Iraqis who beat the USA with IEDs and persistent attrition, the Taliban who beat the USA with Kalashnikovs and now Hamas who is fighting the IDF to a standstill with the help of Ansar Allah which has shut down the Israeli port of Eilat with nothing special technologically. I could even go back to the Viet Kong and their success against the USA. I have watched videos of young Russian soldiers being awarded medals of honour not far from the frontline. They often look like boys with their rosy red cheeks that any girl might notice. And yet it is obvious from the expressions of awe on their faces that in the moment that they are being sanctified as warriors they are becoming men. This is something that will serve them, their loved ones and their communities profoundly well for the rest of their lives. Once this mayhem is all over in the former Ukraine, I look forward to reading peacetime stories from you about returned young Russian soldiers and the families they started with the beloved sweethearts they married. Thank you for your reporting.

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Takin a ride on my paper airplane...

May be crazy, but I'm not insane.

Sunshine on my paper airplane makes me high.

John Denver Biden

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Takin a ride on my paper airplane...

Built it my self, with my own brains.

Sunshine on my paper airplane makes me high....

John Denver Biden

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24 hrs agoLiked by Zinderneuf

The hegemonic days are finally at an end as the war in Ukraine has shown. The rest is just pure myth that the arms industry manufactures. Reason being to support their export market.

The army,navy and airforce was only good at fighting against third rate opponents. Ever since WW2 the US along with their vassals have never won a single war be it in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. Other than Grenada which really dsoen't matter. Unforunately these elites live in a bubble and could be extremely dangerous in their final death throes, cause these madmen can take us all down.

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Sep 26Liked by Zinderneuf

What a cliff-hanger! :)

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Sep 26Liked by Zinderneuf

Yeah, I was going to comment the very same thing.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Zinderneuf

Your turn next time. I'm pretty sure Marat will do it again!

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