You write the following:

<quote>The genocide of the Tutsi people in Rwanda is entirely the responsibility of the Americans and the French.</quote>

There is some confusion here. The genocide from 1 October 1990 until at least late 1994, was perpetrated by the US et alia sponsored Ugandan invaders (feudal revanchist Tuutsi exiles who did not wish to become ordinary Rwandan citizens; Habyarimana offered all exiles Rwandan passports and freedom to return, at the UN general assembly, on 29 September 1990; the Ugandan exiles invaded two days later, on 1 October 1990), and was perpetrated principally against baHutu. One of the favourite methods of mass slaughter as perpetrated by these Ugandans (Kagame's people) was to bash in the skulls of baHutu with hoes (the agricultural implement, symbol of baHutu liberation in 1959 from baTuutsi feudalism). The photo of skulls that you include, are those of thusly slaughtered baHutu; after so killing baHutu civilians, the Ugandans would throw their decapitated corpses in rivers.

During the feudal reign in Rwanda (which ended in 1959), the baTuutsi would mass-castrate baHutu, and adorn the royal Kalinga drums with their (freshly castrated baHutu's) genitals. Photos are available online, from the last of these, already in the era of early video. I can share them, if you'd like.

The US motivation for sponsoring the Ugandan invasion was that Mobutu Cece Seko had signed a mining contract with the Chinese in the late 1980s. The Chinese had previously sponsored the feudal revanchist baTuutsi exiles in Uganda (the anti-feudal revolution in Rwanda was in 1959), as they had Marxist pretensions; the terrorist organization, Inyenzi (literally, cockroaches, albeit a Marxist sounding initialism in kinyaRwanda language; this organization was conducting assassinations in Rwanda in the 1960s and 1970s) had Marxist pretensions, and used that to get funding from China. It is ironic that the US used these formerly Chinese-sponsored terrorists to prevent the Chinese from executing a legal mining contract.

You also repeat the false <strike>Helsinki</strike>Human Rights Watch propaganda that it was somehow baHutu that killed Habyarimana; confessions by Kagame's henchmen in this regard are public record, and not only from French judge Jean-Louis Bruguière. Romeo Dallaire assisted in smuggling in the missiles (one that missed, and the backup that hit the plane) fired by Kagame's terrorists.

The matter of numbers is also unavoidable. The Rwandan 1991 census showed just shy of 600k baTuutsi, a number comparable to Poland for concentration of aristocrats (the Szlachta compromising 10% of the population, for comparison). The RPF (Ugandan) aligned memorial organization, IBUKA, estimated that there were 400k-500k survivors, for 100k-200k killed. By comparison, the Ugandans (in particular, Hakizimana) estimated that they had killed 1M-2M baHutu in 1994.

You mention the victims, whom you (along with the UK Guardian, and Human Rights Watch, et alia) falsely accuse of being the perpetrators, fleeing Rwanda, principally in the direction of Congo-Brazzaville and Cameroon. Using these victims' fleeing through Congo-Kinshasa to Congo-Brazzaville and Cameroon, under the false pretense of pursuing perpetrators as an excuse to invade Congo-Kinshasa, the Ugandans (reminder: Kagame was Ugandan deputy military intelligence chief, and was trained by the US in Fort Leavenworth for his Ugandan invasion of Rwanda in 1990), and do illegal child-slave-labour mining along the cobalt/tantalum belt, from the Rwanda/Ugandan border, to the Zambian border, i.e. the direction in which Kagame invaded, as baHutu were fleeing nearly orthogonally to Congo-Brazzaville and Cameroon.

The Rwandans (baHutu and non-exile baTuutsi) were not armed, unlike the Ugandan invaders, who received continual supply flights from US and Canadian forces, with the US even moving their embassy (in 1991 iirc) to an Ugandan occupied town in the north of Rwanda. Repeating US/Guardian/Kagame propaganda in this regard, unfortunately, does not make the propaganda true.

I hope that this repetition of western propagandistic lies, is on the basis of ignorance on your part, rather than wilful falsehood. On that assumption, I shall provide you with some factual resources, to debunk the lies that you (hopefully, unwittingly) repeated above.

On the Ugandan invasion, see Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa, by Robin Philpot.

On the actual numbers killed, as well as a general introduction to the lies regarding Rwanda, see Enduring Lies, by Ed Herman and David Peterson.

In regards to the propaganda of warning the world of genocide (the Dallaire lies), see "The Dallaire Genocide Fax," by Christopher Black, in the New Zealand Scoop publication.

For an overview of the legal tactics to give sanction to the propaganda, see the interview (English, German subtitles) with Christopher Black, "Sind sie der Anwalt des Teufels?". In this regard, note also that the authors of the propaganda against the baHutu are largely the same personnel and organizations as the propaganda against the Serbs; Christopher Black also advised Slobodan Milošević in his trial. Also, the hyper-corrupt and US-et alia controlled ICTR and ICTY used to be one organization, until one prosecutor tried to pretend to balance by correctly trying to prosecute Kagame for his assassination of Habyarimana; in response, the US split the ICTRY into the ICTR and ICTY, and made her (the prosecutor) only responsible for the ICTY, where she continued false prosecution against Serbs.

The major Rwandan case in which Christopher Black was involved, and in which much of the propaganda that you repeat above was debunked, is the Military II trial at Arusha. Partial transcripts are available online. You may peruse them, to see how normative prosecutor-perpetrated subornation to perjury, and judge-perpetrated defense of prosecutors thusly caught, in fact was, in addition to seeing the false nature of the propaganda.

This leads to a more general issue: the US and NATO legal systems (and subservient legal systems such as the ICC and ad hoc tribunals such as the above-mentioed ICTR/ICTY) have an important function in their respective societies, in providing protection for false propaganda, and imprisoning undesired persons. I shall provide three sets of illustrations.

Firstly, the Victor Bout case (closely related to Rwanda). In 1993, Viktor Bout flew in the French peacekeepers of Operation Turquoise, to Rwanda, who saved 130k lives from the Ugandan genocidal thugs whose propaganda you repeat. This greatly upset the Americans, who then commissioned a propaganda film against Bout ("Dmitry Orlov," in the film). This propaganda film was then satirized by a Japanese author (Takahashi iirc), in the visual novel, Jormungand. This satire (Jormungand) included a preemptive satire of the sting/arrest of Viktor Bout in Thailand, mocking the notion of mens rea in the subsequent case; the character representing (at times) Viktor Bout, says in this preemptive satire, "we will pretend to take the order and leave". This satire was published two years before the sting (the satire of the sting was published in 2006, while the sting that it satirized was executed in 2008); at least certain people can notice the patterns of arrest and prosecution well enough that they can write a satire (Jormungand Pulsar Part One), and publish it two years before the events being satirized (the Thailand sting/arrest against Viktor Bout).

Secondly, observe that the US "Russia and Moldova Jackson–Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012," in particular, Title IV, sec. 402 (8), falsely states that Magnitsky had made an accusation against police personnel (Bill Browder's lie), while in actual fact the Russian language document that Bill Browder presented in support of that lie, was a standard document in which a defendant (Sergei Magnitsky) acknowledges that he has been given disclosure of the evidence against him. This also works easily within the US legal system, due to the weak standards of disclosure in the west. As an example, if one hires a lawyer, the lawyer receives the disclosure, rather than the defendant, which makes it unpractical in most cases (unless one has a morally serious lawyer who expects lies from prosecutors) to prepare a defense; most lawyers are not inclined to seriously investigate police and prosecutorial claims, which can often get quite ridiculous, e.g. the conservation-of-momentum-incompatible bullet trajectory in the MOVE 9 (a small US cult falsely accused and convicted of killing a police officer, who on the basis of the direction of bullet travel and conservation of momentum, was killed by another police officer, not by members of the cult) case.

Thirdly, especially as relates to the US-controlled ad hoc-cum-ICC system (ICTR, ICTY et alia), see US Professor Nancy Emory Combs's book, Fact-finding Without Facts, The Uncertain Evidentiary Foundations of International Criminal Convictions. After reading this book, recall the origin of the propaganda regarding Rwanda, that you repeat above.

Finally, I suggest you peruse a book in French (no English language publisher is willing to publish a translation), by Dallaire's old UN boss, whom he subverted on US orders: Le Patron de Dallaire Parle (Jacques-Roger Booh-Booh).

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A further irony: The Ukrainian fascists learned some of their famous tactics from the genocidal Ugandans whose propaganda you repeat. The Ugandans (RPF/Inkotanyi; the privately owned---with many baTuutsi shareholders---radio station RTLM, abused in the propaganda as "genocide radio," correctly referred to the inkotanyi as inyenzi---"those inyenzi who call themselves inkotanyi") depopulated Byumba prefecture from about 800k people to under 3k people, with a consequent large tent internal refugee (Byumban refugees) camp outside Kigali.

With all the supplies that USA and Canada provided the Ugandan invaders, they were able by 1994 to conduct 24/7 artillery strikes on Kigali, a large portion of which hit the Byumban refugee camp. Comparisons with Donetsk and Gorlovka cities beg to be made.

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The US motivation for sponsoring the Ugandan invasion of Rwanda was the Chinese mining contract with Mobutu Cece Seko; the US wanted to invade Congo Kinshasa (Zaire, at the time) using Rwanda as a staging ground, but Habyarimana refused the US request. Hence the US sponsorship of the Ugandan invasion.

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The American propaganda film to which I refer is "Lord of War."

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For an article with so many controversial claims, you provide nothing in the way of evidence/sources.

You expect us to believe you just because you say so?

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Okay, thanks for the additional info. And yes, as I say, I'm observing from a long, long way away.

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Well, it seems that the Tuareg and maybe some Salafists with them just for the ride, handed Wagner/Afrika Corps and their Malian military sponsors their arses. And then the Malian military, no doubt with Russian assistance, sent in the drones as reprisal. To be honest, this looks to me very inept on the part of the Russians...where was the command and control? To me it looks like local Afrika Corps commanders getting way ahead of themselves in Tin Zauotine. And I hope that the Russians can draw a distinction between the legitimate autonomist/nationalist interests of some Tuareg groups and the toxic Salafism of others. Mali seems to me a problem that Russia and China could quite easily solve. It's a puzzle to me that Russia appears to see the solution as purely military, and not diplomatic. But of course I am a long, long way from the whispers in the corridors of power.

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You're drawing a lot of conclusions from one ambush. Also, Russia has decided to rely less on Wagner and place more RF troops in the country, which is a sign that they plan to correct any mistakes and adapt to the new realities. Also, nobody said that Russia's actions in Mali were purely military.

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Bastante ilucitativo. Desmascara notícias da mídia anglo americana europeia sionista.

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I'm an octogenerian now, but I remember how they assasinated Lumumba, and what followed.

I'm so happy to realize in lifetime, how the winds have changed and my love to Russia from my youth in Hamburg and later Bavaria has lead me to the current blossoms and fruits of human civilization.

I read till recently Marat's reports from the frontline in Novo Rossia translated by yandex - now I

savour the by substack.

Great journalist, comrad Khairullin


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This was such a welcomed report! I am so sick and tired of the dirty tactics that the West instigate to rape the resources of Countries and keep the populations in poverty. It's a slow roll for sure, but the tables are turning. Thanks for this update. It made my day!

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In its bid to wreck the world, the Arrogant West has forgotten to feed bread and circuses to the homeland.

We can't afford bread, and the whole world is taken over by the western circus.

Living in scAmerica, I can report the hatred of Russia is extreme and cost me a job merely for expressing support for Russia and not repeating the sentiment that my dad Vlad is evil, since he seems to be helping to save the world, God willing

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Jul 28Liked by Zinderneuf

Thanks for the updates and your insights. Though this is a truly monumental endeavour by Russia, I believe that support is required from China both militarily and financially as the scale of this project and the threats to this project look likely to scupper Russian and Sahel's future developments.

Is it planned that China will be involved in some way in the near future?

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

I'm not Marat, but I would point out that China has already been very involved in Africa, and I'd assume they will be investing.

I'll ask Marat as well.

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Jul 28Liked by Zinderneuf

Thanks { Спасибо } for the great info. If I may add and I swear this is the almighty truth. My good friend Jim { Buddha } Bondsteel , after Vietnam was in Africa " fighting" for democrazy there, so this African quest by the US covert teams have been going on for a long time. You will recognise the name Bondsteel from the base they named after him in Kosovo. Personally in Buddha's last years , he would not have taken kindly to his name on that Camp. As we age and grow older - some of us see how twisted the Past was.

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Jul 28Liked by Zinderneuf

Thank you! I enjoy Marat’s writing style and find it very special how he explains the history and the current situation to us.

I look forward to the sequel. No more Tintin in Africa:)

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Jul 28Liked by Zinderneuf

Millions of African lives have long deserved this second front. It's not just a question of the market, but also of the incredible human wealth that has been forcibly repressed. I'm extremely curious to see what they will bring to the world.

Thank you for this very informative overview. I look forward to reading more.

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Jul 27Liked by Zinderneuf

Not a version of events that is reported in the UK! Very interesting.

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We may host a stream on Africa sometime.

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Have just read this, not all easy for Russians https://x.com/DD_Geopolitics/status/1817336567268291032?t=8eiffNgAcccRjmY_02bThg&s=19

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Who said anything was easy? The West doesn't just roll over.

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