I got as far as "the crimes of Hitler".

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"There are millions of human lives on the conscience of these people, and the scale of their atrocities can only be compared with the crimes of Hitler." Back it up Marat, you're gaining on it. But here you have completely missed the fact that these same "people" were the ones BEHIND Hitler... and WWII. They always have a scapegoat, don't you know. It's going to start to become very easily to spot the history shills- the ones who are tasked with making sure the truth of WWI and WWII never come out. It's always been the same warmongers and haters of humanity. Always the same. WWII history is going down........ And as a person with German ancestry, who history has made to think I should be ashamed of my roots, I'm here for it. It's never the people who are responsible for the Derangement Syndromes they are spellcast into, it's the same tribe that has created the TDS that threatens our Republic now.

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When you wrote, 'the scale of their atrocities can only be compared with the crimes of Hitler,' do you mean their crimes never reached the evil of Churchill's or Stalin's?

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Happy birthday Marat, wishing you joyous years.

This is a very interesting article, thanks a lot

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Quote "Every war is an english war but try telling that to Col. McGreggor who--"

Not at all ?

Every war is England's war. It is English pirate race that plots all major wars including 1st and 2nd world wars. Iraq war, Syrian war and this Ukraine war.

They blame Jews and Russians to distract from themselves . Russia must annihilate English pirates for hurting Russia and the world . There is no other way it is Anglo-Saxon race war on the non Anglo world races.

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Except that the people who rule Great Britain - are not English, they are Prussian. Will Zoll can open your eyes...https://substack.com/@prussiagate

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

You do know that a racist is someone who believes in Race Theory and different races and not a human race?

Race Theory was dreamed up by British & American Colonialists / Slavers to justify their exploitation & exterminations of fellow members of the human race. By classifying them as inferior 'races', a classification they just made up. Presumably there might be a ginger-haired 'race' if you want to invent one.

Some in the UK believe that our elites have colonised the majority population. I can testify that at University many upper class eg Etonian students felt they were inherently superior to the rest. And the EU has effectively enabled Corporates to colonise the resources of peripheral countries.

Hitler adopted this Race Theory. So does Israel & Ukraine.

Apart from the conflation of ruling elite with the UK population as a whole (I am Scottish) I would nevertheless confirm that there are historical sources and common-sense reasoning that back up your assertions about western support for Hitler with the aim of him invading Russia. Unfortunately for Chamberlain etc Nazis aren't so easy to control.

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Napoleaon’s attack on Russia was plotted by england (to which the Great Napoleon himself admitted).

Considering the extent of the disaster( at battle of Austerlitz and of Ulm before that in 1805 -instigated by england with money stolen from India), The Austrian Emperor said


And English are too coward to fight on their own-they have never won a single war on their own since Boar war in 1899 and that too with all resources of loot from empire.

The English plotted to have Germany fight against Russia in first world war and thus destroying both powers in Europe.

Second world war was also plotted and started by evil English race.

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The English strategy is to involve others like usa and even Europeans to destabilise other nations through any means so that leader of such nations will flee with stolen money to london on which depends the money laundering economy of enlgand –real pirate which must be killed now.

The strategy has always been to make countries unstable and ungovernable. Subjected to internal/external conflict/aggression till they are weakened to accept handing over effective power, control to the new world criminals. You only have to look at the template being used in various countries in the world,


There is a confusion among many that USA uses Nato exert her influence in Europe. In fact USA does not need nato . But that entity is needed by a third rate country which after second world war found herself without real power so nato was created by that country to keep Germans down and Russians out using American arms and money.. Since early 90s that same country manoeuvred to keep Nato alive and install her stooges in European commission like british spy barrasso and English pirate witch cathertine ashton and many more inside European bureaucracy to make Europe follow one and only one policy to be dictated by that same country.

Name of the evil country? Of course it is england the centre of money laundering and all spying in the world and most evil entity in the history of world.

For Russia the easiest way to tackle the problem is to support Scottish independence because that would good for scots and it would ruin england and her position in the world. Scots don’t like parasitical existence as English lead so once Russia discloses how england is sitting on black box and not saying anything(after all hue and cry within 24 hours of Malaysian plane crash) that will show to world and scots how low lifes these English are. Russia should disclose barrasso talk with Putin as wel because that pest Barroso is an English spy who should be hanged for his war crimes just like war criminal blair must be publicly hanged AFTER BRUTAL BEATING after a fail trial for his war crimes.

Russia should hurry to annihilate the English empire of evil pirate pests.


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Austrian Emperor.

Considering the extent of the disaster(at battle of Austerlitz and of Ulm before that in 1805 instigated by england with money stolen from India), The Austrian Emperor said


The Emperor forgot to mention that the payment is from the victim or some other pople’s wealth.

And English are too coward to fight on their own-they have never won a single war on their own since boar war in 1899 and that too with all resources of loot from empire.

The English are at this game even now-they now use American arms to further their agenda- was created by them for that purpose.

Isn’t it interesting to watch how the English pirate nation contrives to manipulate by greed, deception and duplicity, the vulnerable in the world.

Russia would be foolish to take lightly the danger of england-sooner that country is destroyed better it is for the humanity it is a pestilence of the clone subhumans which we call English nation.,better it is eliminated sooner rather than late..

Josef Stalin during Great Patriotic war said "the Americans and British will fight the Nazi's to the last drop of Russian blood"

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British interference and fraud in American election.

DO not forget the pick of Truman, a british implant, in 1944. Worse. Wallace was chosen as VP by 90% of the convention. But these were abort for a bullshit reason. Three days after Truman , total unknown which had 2% of the vote was designed as VP and then next president thanks to FDR illness.

Another example of British interference in American election. (besides British propaganda against Dukakis in 1988 election and against Gore in 2000 election in favour of war criminal bush and british agent cheney).

It's not from yesterday that US democracy is a fraud.

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the real strategic 'war' isn't NATO vs. Russia, but UK vs. EU.

EU should have made a security and energy pact by accepting RF back in the 90's or at least when Putin put the house in order.

But that would not suit US/UK axis that wanted to pillage RF and neuter the EU.

Think of Russia to Germany gas pipe line which Was sabotaged to hurt not Russia only but Germany even more. Typical British plot and action.

Now there is one doubt that I have, do they want to bring the EU down to its knees or just assure that a unified vassal can be created in the next 15 years to go head on against the RF...

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What Russia must do but has not done in the last 15 years despite so obvious signs of danger from pirate nation.

At the gathering in 2007 at Munich security conference, Putin jeered at Washington for overreaching itself and acting as if it presided over a unipolar world. Putin went on to menacingly warn that the United States, "has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations.



4th June, 2007.

President putin is wrong when he says that russia should or will target the missile on europe if america goes with anti missile defence plan in Europe.in fact it was not America but england which asked for ABM against Russia. BBc spy journalists were harassing presidential candidate Gore not to go ahead with Florida recount on ground” ally like britian want to conclude AMB deployment in Yorkshire as soon as possible so there should be no delay in govt. formation.in other word accept fraudulent win of bush for sake of england ! “

Russia must target (rather than should) the nuclear missiles with multiple war heads against all ( including military installations) of england because this cold war -like the one before- is being started by england for the benefit of english race only-.it is race war between the english parasite race versus the rest of the world-the sooner the rest of the world realizes that better it is for the world.

look how germany wes villified soon after fall of soviet union-look how russia is being vilified immediately after Putin made russia strong.

-such is the evil propaganda of british spies inside america. .

poland is nothing but a proxy for the british bastards.

It is no use targeting Poland -target the main villain which is england and the english race which must be annihilated from the face of the world.

Russia should not have signed to INF because her main enemy is spared from restriction of distance of 500 to 3000 kilometers. who that evil enemy might be? Of course the perennial trouble maker and plotter england nation .. In fact russia needs to build massive strike capability to turn england into ash because that evil country is behind all plots to destabilize Russia and other nations. Only the fear of england being attacked will stop usa and others to do anti russia bidding. garbachow like all Russian elites are compromised to leave without target the main and arch enemy .


The most sure and cheapest way for Russia to survive-without spending arms and ammunition on fighting so many fronts-is to give a stern warning and ultimatum to england the main evil and plotter of all major wars-that unless england refrains from interfering in Russian interests-, Russia will massively nuke england to ash heap.

that will stop all evil doing in world because us does not fight for black americans, italian, german americans and no not even for Jewish americans-it fights fort the interests of English ace only because americans have internalized that they re not free of england but a satellite or special friend of that evil country england.

all from persistent British media propaganda and british infested Hollywood.(all third rate films get Oscar as long as they have British input there).

hence attacking england and destroying that evil nation at first seconds and minutes is the best Russian strategy in any ensuing war which is coming even if Russia doesn't want war.


Britain’s “Bomber” Harris, who led the RAF Bomber Command during its mass raids on Germany in the Second World War, cut his teeth devastating Kurdish villages in Iraq in the 1920s.

Heinz Guderian - master of the Blitzkrieg and father of modern tank warfare - commanded the German XIX Army Corps as it rampaged across Poland in 1939.

Personally leading the devastating attack which traversed the Ardennes Forest and broke through French lines, he was at the forefront of the race to the Channel coast. Only Hitler's personal command to halt prevented Guderian's tanks and troops turning Dunkirk into an English bloodbath. All because vily coward liar Churchill promised something to hitler only token resistance to his ultimate aim-to destroy russia and (thus from brutish point of view germans too.)


How the anglos treat their allies

like they treated world war 2 ally soviet union soon after it became clear that germany was going to be defeated by the russian effort in kurks.


Right at the end of the WWI1

, Anglo powers had at least THREE plans to wage war on the USSR:

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What Russia must do but has not done in the last 15 years despite so obvious signs of danger from pirate nation.

At the gathering in 2007 at Munich security conference, Putin jeered at Washington for overreaching itself and acting as if it presided over a unipolar world. Putin went on to menacingly warn that the United States, "has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations.



4th June, 2007.

President putin is wrong when he says that russia should or will target the missile on europe if america goes with anti missile defence plan in Europe.in fact it was not America but england which asked for ABM against Russia. BBc spy journalists were harassing presidential candidate Gore not to go ahead with Florida recount on ground” ally like britian want to conclude AMB deployment in Yorkshire as soon as possible so there should be no delay in govt. formation.in other word accept fraudulent win of bush for sake of england ! “

Russia must target (rather than should) the nuclear missiles with multiple war heads against all ( including military installations) of england because this cold war -like the one before- is being started by england for the benefit of english race only-.it is race war between the english parasite race versus the rest of the world-the sooner the rest of the world realizes that better it is for the world.

look how germany wes villified soon after fall of soviet union-look how russia is being vilified immediately after Putin made russia strong.

-such is the evil propaganda of british spies inside america. .

poland is nothing but a proxy for the british bastards.

It is no use targeting Poland -target the main villain which is england and the english race which must be annihilated from the face of the world.

Russia should not have signed to INF because her main enemy is spared from restriction of distance of 500 to 3000 kilometers. who that evil enemy might be? Of course the perennial trouble maker and plotter england nation .. In fact russia needs to build massive strike capability to turn england into ash because that evil country is behind all plots to destabilize Russia and other nations. Only the fear of england being attacked will stop usa and others to do anti russia bidding. garbachow like all Russian elites are compromised to leave without target the main and arch enemy .


The most sure and cheapest way for Russia to survive-without spending arms and ammunition on fighting so many fronts-is to give a stern warning and ultimatum to england the main evil and plotter of all major wars-that unless england refrains from interfering in Russian interests-, Russia will massively nuke england to ash heap.

that will stop all evil doing in world because us does not fight for black americans, italian, german americans and no not even for Jewish americans-it fights fort the interests of English ace only because americans have internalized that they re not free of england but a satellite or special friend of that evil country england.

all from persistent British media propaganda and british infested Hollywood.(all third rate films get Oscar as long as they have British input there).

hence attacking england and destroying that evil nation at first seconds and minutes is the best Russian strategy in any ensuing war which is coming even if Russia doesn't want war.


Britain’s “Bomber” Harris, who led the RAF Bomber Command during its mass raids on Germany in the Second World War, cut his teeth devastating Kurdish villages in Iraq in the 1920s.

Heinz Guderian - master of the Blitzkrieg and father of modern tank warfare - commanded the German XIX Army Corps as it rampaged across Poland in 1939.

Personally leading the devastating attack which traversed the Ardennes Forest and broke through French lines, he was at the forefront of the race to the Channel coast. Only Hitler's personal command to halt prevented Guderian's tanks and troops turning Dunkirk into an English bloodbath. All because vily coward liar Churchill promised something to hitler only token resistance to his ultimate aim-to destroy russia and (thus from brutish point of view germans too.)


How the anglos treat their allies

like they treated world war 2 ally soviet union soon after it became clear that germany was going to be defeated by the russian effort in kurks.


Right at the end of the WWI1

, Anglo powers had at least THREE plans to wage war on the USSR:

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The English strategy is to involve others like usa and even Europeans to destabilise other nations through any means so that leader of such nations will flee with stolen money to london on which depends the money laundering economy of enlgand –real pirate which must be killed now.

The strategy has always been to make countries unstable and ungovernable. Subjected to internal/external conflict/aggression till they are weakened to accept handing over effective power, control to the new world criminals. You only have to look at the template being used in various countries in the world,


There is a confusion among many that USA uses Nato exert her influence in Europe. In fact USA does not need nato . But that entity is needed by a third rate country which after second world war found herself without real power so nato was created by that country to keep Germans down and Russians out using American arms and money.. Since early 90s that same country manoeuvred to keep Nato alive and install her stooges in European commission like british spy barrasso and English pirate witch cathertine ashton and many more inside European bureaucracy to make Europe follow one and only one policy to be dictated by that same country.

Name of the evil country? Of course it is england the centre of money laundering and all spying in the world and most evil entity in the history of world.

For Russia the easiest way to tackle the problem is to support Scottish independence because that would good for scots and it would ruin england and her position in the world. Scots don’t like parasitical existence as English lead so once Russia discloses how england is sitting on black box and not saying anything(after all hue and cry within 24 hours of Malaysian plane crash) that will show to world and scots how low lifes these English are. Russia should disclose barrasso talk with Putin as wel because that pest Barroso is an English spy who should be hanged for his war crimes just like war criminal blair must be publicly hanged AFTER BRUTAL BEATING after a fail trial for his war crimes.

Russia should hurry to annihilate the English empire of evil pirate pests.


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All Jewish? Is that significant? Why?

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Incisive stuff, where have you been!

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