The Western populace , and too many of them - have been programmed with so much propaganda over several decades that they would believe in the Easter Bunny by now, if you told them to.

Most of the Russians I met in Istanbul when President Putin ordered that first 300,000 soldier mobilization, must have been reading western news { proaganda}, because they were really confused on the level of soldier that was being mobed up. They thought that - like right after Basic Training , they were going to sent to the front - I had to explain to them that most of the Mobe up was for soldiers that have already served and need to come back and help out. I'm not kidding , I was drinking vino in Taxim area one night with a woman that brought 3 of her grandchildren { 18 -20 yr boys} with her to Istanbul. I explained the Pravda to them and said go back home and do your duty.- and told them I was in the American Army and back then - we did go to Vietnam after Basic and Advanced individual training but Russia doesn't do that - not even when they were in Vietnam. lol - I met more people like this - my last statements to all - Russia isn't going to lose this war ! No Way.

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

Marat writes so clearly. I smiled while reading his response because it was easy to guess the nonsense written by the lying author of the article to which Marat responds. We need a pit for those guys, no mercy. Thank you Marat and Zin

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Once again Marat provides the numbers which prove that most western analysts in the MSM and from so-called think-tanks are engaged in propaganda rather than acknowledging Russia's overwhelming military superiority over NATO-supported Ukraine. BTW on the margins there are many pro-Russian bloggers and podcasters who engage in similar doom-mongering as the National Interest exaggerating the impact of of the occasional tactical success of Ukraine as Russia remorselessly advances on the battlefield.

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

Thank you for the meticulous, fact based analysis. As an engineer with an over 35 years of experience, I always respond to baseless claims paraphrasing the well-known saying; Numbers talk, BS walk.

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

😀 😃

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

Logical assessment. Thank you!

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These are sobering, but consistent numbers since the beginning of the special military operation.

It’s completely clear that the Russian military is less interested in winning the battle for the next screenplay for Hollywood films and more interested in destroying the ability of the Ukrainian military to carry out further actions.

You can always count on Marat to be very specific

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