Excellent article. The US does not have either the Navy, Airforce or Army to fight a 21st. century war against a peer group. They simply cannot enlist people to join. Let the politicians, and whatever High Command the US has. currently send their daughters and sons and lead them from the front if they seek seek war constantly, instead of using other families and their children to sacrifice their lives.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Zinderneuf

Marat, the great US AF, Navy, Marines & National Guard will ask all their retired pilots who now have lovely safe high paying jobs and loving families to re-enlist and fight for democracy. This will add two more fully trained combat pilots to the super duper defenders of democracy.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Zinderneuf

What happened to the US pilots ? - they were forced to take the Poisonous mRNA Vax or leave the service. Most of guys that stayed, along with some of the the guys that left to work for the big Airlines couldn't pass their Medical exams because of the EKG part. The Clot Shots disrupted their hearts and other parts of their bodies. The US military had to start all over because of their Stupidity - but that was good for the rest of the World. In the first year after the Shots over 100 pilots in the Airline Pilots Association keeled over and died - usually they lose 1 or 2 a year. British Airlines lost almost 40 pilots to sudden death in 2 years. No Body was putting this in the media. I flew for 20+ years in Alaska - so I'm always finding pilot info - interesting - Thanks Marat, but those fighter planes are just flying weapons - but I would have loved to fly one when i was younger.

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That was what 1st came to mind. Our glorious Big Pharma military poisoned our Big Air military with the clot shot. Same with the rest of the Big Military, done in by Friendly Fire.

The corruption runs so deep & broad here that the various factions overlap, doing in each other's serfs.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Zinderneuf

Totally Agree, It's all out in the open at Global Research website and others. My poor brother wouldn't listen to me about Not Taking That Shot - he got lucky { a little} and lived thru the double bypass, but his girl friend died before she could see him recover. We are at War.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Zinderneuf

Excellent information, thanks to Marat. As for the Su-34, I think it looks really cool.

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Maybe because as a child I was addicted to classic fairy tales, but I am impressed by the transformation of the "Duckling" from a stodgy, ug;ly bomber into "the most deadly apparatus of the current war (combat load up to 15 tons)" after the introduction of guided aerial bombs. I know nothing about aircraft but I read everyday of the devastating impact of the aerial guided FAB 500-1000-1500 bombs on Ukraine defenses. As we learn from the Bible, the stone that the builder refused became the head cornerstone.

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