Why am I reminded of Monty Python by this sketch? I'll wager the corruption within NATO is many times the size that existed within Russia thanks to those million bureaucrats who must constantly think of ways to further line their pockets.

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This is a very insightful article and now gives me a sense of relief that there's no real danger to humanity in case of war breaking out between this decrepit alliance vs Russia

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Oct 15Liked by Zinderneuf

NATO operates on racism, arrogance, and hubris. They have nothing else. If they were condensed into one person, it would be a preening, prancing fop.

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Dear Marat

Did Crimea get annexed or did they vote to leave the ukraine and voted again to join Russia?

One is legal and the other is not.

Greetings and thanks from Switzerland.

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There was an illegal couple in the Ukraine and a 2014 referendum where they voted to join Russia.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15Liked by Zinderneuf

If I may , I started working in Ukraine in 08 and the Russian Ukrainian Construction co. had an office in Kiev . My Construction job was in Yalta , Crimea, AU. I retired before the Maidan and was present in Crimea before , during and after 2014. Since Crimea was An Autonomous Republic with a small Constitution, it had te right to vote for a change. They tried to vote in order to go back to Russia in the 90s but were sabotaged by Kiev and their Mafia politicians who ran Simferopol , the Capital of Crimea, AU. The vote in 2014 was real , and I'd say at least 85% of the people were ready for a change. They knew what Kiev and Lvov were up to. I believe even the famous Gilbert Doctorow was an Election official watching the election process. The vote was signed off as Legit.

Business was done in the Russian and Ukrainian language, when it came to documents, but every place I went or delt with spoke mostly Russia - even in my travels to Chisinau, Moldova , everyone spoke Russian. In this region alot of people speak Russian, in the America's , alot of people speak English/Spanish - what is the big deal - The Tatar people speak 2 or 3 languages.

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Так это вы вынудили российских олигархов тратить деньги в России,за что вам огромное спасибо

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Хорошо и смешно

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Oct 15Liked by Zinderneuf

Excellent article. NATO and the combined West have been truly exposed, unforunately the BIG dogs that run these multiple organisations believe their own BS. All they can do is constantly bark like mad dogs knowing full well it would be impossible to defeat a nuclear superpower like Russia. They have used their proxy in Ukraine a cutout of the Nazi SS and continue with this arrogance and hubris. Ever since WW2 this propaganda has prevailed and it continues with this myth that never existed in reality.

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Great article! Can't wait for land and nuclear power!

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

Great article, love that "500 aircraft standing by under steam" part.

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It's kinda grim humour considering the background reality but this did put a smile on my face and got my day off to a good start.... :)

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I'm a US-American theologian, not a military professional. I have been trying to see how US armed force should be composed and disposed. It keeps coming up "homeland defense." The latest stage of that labor to see -- and I suspect it's the best I am able to produce -- is here:


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Here's a great short video about a USAF B1 bomber crash in January this year.


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A pleasing and informative article. It supports well my claim that NATO is NUTSO.

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Marat you are correct, but you forget that NATO have all Maverick Tom Cruise pilots, really good looking guys who will make Russian pilots envious and depressed and so easier to shoot down in epic dog fights over the English channel.

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

You have hit the nail on the head in describing this massive money making grift called NATO. There's a helluva lot of people getting paid very well. To tell brainless politicians they were born military genius's (Boris Johnson) to name just one. It's simple the people running the NATO countries are plain stupid. That had became so obvious since leading up to the SMO. The German leadership are about to give an award to worst President in American history. For deindustrialising their country & placing the EU financial powerhouse in the shit financially. Tell me if I have that wrong please. The head of the EU an unelected political failure (yet another German). Has achieved more damage to the EU's finances than every other EU president combined. But it's a gravy train for lazy bastards who do nothing in Brussels but agree with her. So they end up rich. I could go through the lot of them, all are clueless when it comes to politics. But corruption is another matter. America a financial basket case corrupt as any organised crime syndicate, NATO costs a ridiculous amount of money. What does it do again? The EU gravy train, corruption is bankrupting. The UK bankers & elites corrupt every last drop of blood out of a now 3rd world economy. But these people are great at PR & bullshitting. Or do they pay the media to do thst for them? I hope Russians realise how many civilians in the West love that they're embarrassing these parasites.

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No, you do not have that wrong.

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"I hope Russians realize how many civilians in the West love that they're embarrassing these parasites". I agree.

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All good fun.

Glad your economy is improving- I suspect forcing your oligarchy to invest their extracted profits at home instead of buying foreign luxury properties & Wall Street investment portfolios may have a bit to do with that?

While nothing is stupider and more forgetful than a peace time army (as you have ably documented)? Nothing learns as fast as an army re entering combat either. Too bad most of the lessons learned are the same ones they had to learn last time.

Just try not to repeat our post WWII arc, hey?

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Oct 14Liked by Zinderneuf

Love your work, Marat!

I haven’t delved into the inner workings of NATO, but I can well believe that your description of a bloated, corrupt and increasingly incapable organization is spot on.

Unfortunately NATO isn’t so much of the above that it can’t do harm to others. First Yugoslavia/Serbia, then Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Libya and finally Syria were rubbished to please the NATO masters. Fortunately there is a new kid on the block, one that won’t stand for any nonsense. If not for that it’s likely that NATO would find new countries to attack.

It’s also good to remember that other modern military organizations surely suffer from some of the same structural problems, including Russia’s. But I note with admiration that Russia appears to be both cleaning house and focusing on the effectiveness of their military. No paper Siberian tiger for them!

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