Feb 4Edited

themselves they corrupted nature laws. for decades. let alone there own water supply from the mountains was dumped in the sea while you should let run threw your land it is the best lifeline.

By the way that is with a lot of things the case like train accidents just pay your workers and give them normal work ours, the flooding's every year can be solved build a good water management. we had to come and help but you should manage things yourself. but the government needed there money and your tax money for there cash cow wars and where ends up all that money the few richest. they made the normal citizen poor.

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California's Gas and Electric Utilities are managed primarily by two regulated monopolies, SoCalEdison and PG&E which service southern and northern California, respectively. I worked for 7 years at PG&E in the Internal Audit department and some of the work I did related to litigation support for some of the numerous lawsuits stemming from fires and other things I'm not at liberty to discuss. I have audit experience at some of the most corrupt companies in the world, including Boeing. I have specific knowledge of some truly appalling practices and the stories I could tell would break your heart.

For those wondering how to determine if a company is above board or not, there is a "tell" for corruption in any corporation which always gives away the game of money being diverted to shareholder dividends rather than being re-invested into operations. That is "deferred maintenance." When investigating a company that has any real property assets, always look at the deferred maintenance liability through time. If it's growing over time, you know the company is run by MBA's who want only to become the CEO and thus enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else. Personally, I believe that any deferred maintenance extended over one year is prima facia evidence of a crime. At a minimum it is a breach of fiduciary duty.

Combine these corrupt entities with the pervasive NGO grift the progressives indulge in, such as public private partnerships for distributed generation and solar schemes, laws forcing EV adoption, etc. and you will end up in a failed State, which America may not be able to avoid at this point.

fwiw, I am loving Trump's decimation of the DC stink fest though I am increasingly worried about the power vacuum that's going to open up in Washington. In this case, I can't help but think we're better off with a devil we don't know than to suffer anymore mendacity at the hands of the claque of criminals gathered under the rubric of globalism.

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How do we know that this aren't sabotage cases by the many enemies of the US? The US has committed so many industrial aggression against so many nations that I find it hard to believe that they are not paying it back in the same manner. There's no such thing as coincidence.

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Interesting, but I think as is pointed out it's evidence of an internal rot, and the fact its rebounding on the wealthy and privileged is a natural consequence. Other empires have experience of very similar events.

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Good article. The truth is obvious but nobody dare speak it in California. I suppose only in Russia can you see and speak the truth about California.

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Marat Khairullin:

You, sir, have this US citizen’s gratitude for speaking more truth than American ears care to hear. Of course many others WANT to hear it, and all of us OUGHT to hear it whether they want it or not.

Thank you so much for this piece, and for your work reporting on the SMO. Tragic as it is, and for reasons that are neither few nor light, the RF increasingly deems the US as an ‘enemy.’

Speaking only for myself [although I know I am not alone], I refuse to have the RF as MY enemy.

I wish only the very best for you, your people, and your great nation.

Take care and keep safe!

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When we were building the Alaska Oil Pipeline in the 1970s , our governor Wally Hickel introduced an Idea to build a water pipeline to California that could pick up other pipelines out from Canada, in order to add even more good clean water going south. He was laughed at by the Lower 48 politicians, so obviously it never got built. This mentality is so Typical of American Politicians - it's Sickening. Did the Russian politicians laugh at some pipeline ideas to head south to China with pipelines ? - Nyet, they saw the future - clearly.

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Mulholland built (in the first instance) the water supply to LA, building a system that grew to include diverting water from Colorado's western aquifers. Those aquifers have a `100,000 year recharge rate. They are now dry and Colorado is experiencing subsidence into these empty aquifers and the fault block basins under the Rockies are becoming seismically unstable. Had pipes diverting water from Canada been installed, rest assured Canadian aquifers would also dry up. Perhaps it's better to build in places than can support human habitation at scale?

Oddly enough, there was no resistance to building pipelines carrying tar sand oil residues across a wide swath of the US to refineries in the South. Of course, nothing could go wrong with that - at least nothing killing a few indians won't cure.

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Karma is a vengeful bitch. And the USA deserves all of it and more.

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As a Westerner, it's very difficult to watch the system I grew up in implode.

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One thing is for certain, the kickbacks in California didn't go to "environmentalists." They went to the owners of massive luxury crop farms in the Central Valley owned by billionaire pistachio/pomegranate growers as well as to property developers and the (bankrupt) utility. They also went to the bipartisan Cali politico class in the state controlled by Democrats but with a sizeable Republican component that represents the agricultural region and Central Valley cities and towns. Check out Roman Polanski's movie "Chinatown" from the 60s or 70s. Same shit has continued ever since.

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Yes, I always refer people to Chinatown (1974). Fantastic film and it does show how corrupt (in every way) the wealthy (Noah Cross) are.

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To be fair, I can see one scenario where the kickbacks could go to environmentalists: grants through government funding. In fact they could double dip and take grant funding from the project's opponents - Mr. P - as well as from the government. All for the greater good, of course.

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But those grants are a rounding error compared to the kickbacks that really matter. A few profs and academics pocketing $200K/year is a drop in the ocean. Any investor class capitalist "environmentalist" is just another grifter applying a new banner.

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Excellent article

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So presumably "Corrupt Environmentalists" are also responsible for the vast Siberian forest fires. Marat?

The planet is warming significantly. As the environment warms, nature needs to replace the plants and treelife in each temperature zone, as the existing plants become unsuitable for that temperature range.

Ergo, fires.

Was/is there anything the US could have done to mitigate this? Not really, no. Any more than Russia could proactively prevent Siberian forest fires. Of course, the US is still World leader in one way - corruption. It is quite likely that corruption is the reason the state was even less prepared than it could have been. A copy-cat of the Hawaii situation (Land clearance for wealthier people to move in and take over), that didn't expect the fires to be on THIS scale.

And simple neoliberal greed. Rich people don't want to pay the taxes to maintain the State infrastructure - such as firefighters, underground reservoirs etc, and the poor people are too poor to be able to pay much taxes.

The whole "Pick up the undergrowth wood" that Trump made a big deal about was savaged by the Finns and Swedes as a policy - and again, would that have prevented the Siberian fires? No.

This is climate change in all its primeval glory, and there's going to be a lot, lot, LOT more of it soon.

And this is US neolib greed and corruption, and there's also going to be a lot, lot, LOT more of that soon too.

It's a very human ego thing to demand that everything is 'under control'. But once the Titanic is already going down, you simply don't have control anymore.

Of course, Russians have faced deep criticism of Environmentalists from the manufactured media for decades in Russia, the last thing President Putin and the petroleum oligarchs wanted was that successful environmentalism cut into their profits - understandable - but it also creates a mental blindspot now.

And literally everything in America is corrupt.

But this was just a spiteful article, without much solidity to it. Considering it's again against the country that just deliberately murdered 100,000 Russian soldiers and crippled many more, that is again understandable.

But it adds little to the discussion.

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not sure about the temp data; a bit on the high side i think, but everything else is dead on. California has invested virtually nothing in infrastructure since the 70s. the nut billionaires had to buy the land to get the water. a single federal judge in SF took far more to save a sardine/smelt. the sierra club was founded to steal water and palisades is some of the highest tax areas in the state/US and they have exactly the government they voted for. siberia is no apt comparison. the Spaniards reported back to the King that CA was uninhabitable and wildfires have been the norm for centuries.

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There was the climate gate scandal out of the UK back in the day. There's the old adage There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. When there's been a build up of an issue, and then big money gets involved it's not unfair to ask, cui bono. It's not polite to talk about money, but I've noticed how carbon credits can be traded, and various schemes monetization now surround the issue. Lately the sun seems to have entered the discussion.

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There was no "climategate scandal", any more than there was a "Russiagate scandal". Just corporate media lies, when you look deeply into both of them. Corporate media gets more advertising than from the oil industry than the scientists can cough up.

I followed it all quite closely back in the day. The "Hockey stick graph" BS was just a psyop.

As for "carbon credits", of course it was a scam. The groups most vocal against it WERE environmentalists. They could see all the greenwashing coming a mile off.

A comedic take on the matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBzR0-j0O0o (Don't worry, Gore gets his just desserts at its end).

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Forest fires are not caused by climate or by a changing climate, they are caused by humans, in the case of LA, bad forestry management and dodgy electrical connections were to blame. Siberia is no different, clearing forests in the summer months has been going on for thousands of years as more farmland is required.

The climate is the climate, it has always been changing much as our weather changes daily. Blaming climate change for man made disasters like forest fires is a cover up for bad governance. Hurricanes are more dangerous now because there is more infrastructure and population. Flooding always occurred but is worse now due to infrastructure and construction not absorbing excess rainwater.

Mismanagement, stupidity and apathy are the culprit, not the climate.

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Right, sure. Whether or not humans are the main, or at all the cause of climate change, it's pretty damn obvious that increased heat, lowered rainfall, will have an effect on the flammability of forests.

Have you never been camping with a campfire, and found local firewood?

Claiming "The climate is always changing" means absolute sweet FA. It's equivalent to saying my bank balance is constantly changing, so winning the lottery won't have an effect on it.

Are there management systems that might help? Well, spending a fortune to build underground reservoirs, filling them, so there is lots of water available to quickly put out fires obviously will. Having elected officials and state officials who take their responsibilities very seriously can also make a huge difference. I am hardly saying the US regime's hands are clean, that should be obvious.

The Earth IS warming, the ice IS melting, the Atlantic conveyor IS weakening, whatever the various causes of those matters. And those have real world effects - likely even more in the future.

Denying the Real World and burying one's head in the sand works as well as a child covering their eyes so the danger can't hurt them. Lets be more adult. EVEN IF, it is possible to believe that human activity is not the cause of these changes.

The Earth has been warming for a long time, apart from the Lesser Dryads period for tens of thousands of years.

Fine. Whatever. Whatever the causes, that will have effects. We are seeing them now.

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> the ice IS melting

According to NOAA, there is more Antarctic sea ice now than there was 40 years ago.


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And that would be why Russia and China are now spending a large fortune to prepare for the 'Northern Route'? Why Trump is eyeing Greenland to prevent Chinese trade from taking that route?

You can believe internet memes, or you can believe the actions of hard-nosed World leaders seeing an opportunity. I know where I'd put MY money.

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The ice melts every summer, seawater levels are not rising. You are a climate alarmist as I was once. Take a step back and maybe study the weather diaries of the great Beaufort and compare them to today's weather reports. You, like many, have been manipulated. The recovery from this realisation is painful but short. Why don't you study how over the horizon radar works too?

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Dude, wtf man. There are seasonal differences in sea-level.

Who told you there wasn't? Some rando on a cheap YT vid?

"An important cause of intra-annual sea level change is the annual warming/cooling cycle – in each hemisphere the oceans warm and expand in summer, and cool and contract in the winter. Thus the sea levels in each hemisphere are higher in summer and early autumn, and lower in winter and early spring.

In addition there is an increase of water stored on land in the Northern Hemisphere winter and thus less in the ocean, leading to a lower global average sea level at this time of year."


Sea-levels are rising. My area has had to invest significant amounts on new sea-barriers, nor did Thatcher blow billions on the Thames Flood Barrier because she just felt like it one day.

Have you ever talked to actual engineers in the field? Oh, let me guess - they are part of the "Climate Change Cult", and cannot be trusted, amiright?

But not YOU. Oh no, you are OBJECTIVE.

What's your kink - you like driving big cars, want our current society never to change? Well, it's going to anyway, one way or another. The oil is running out if nothing else, and there's no way near enough of essential metals to fully electrify our societies. So change is coming whether you like it or not. And whether pumping out gigatons of pollutions has any effect or not.

Who TF is the "Great Beaufort"? Chemist? Climatologist?

"You, like many, have been manipulated."

Spoken like a true cult member who absolutely knows THE TRUTH. :Rolls eyes:

Before you start listing all the scams, such as Obombers fluorescents - I KNOW. But, here's a thought, just because there is a conspiracy, doesn't in any way prove the claim is false. Fx, just because the Bush Regime blew up the WTC, doesn't mean it proves they they weren't hit by airliners.

You've fallen for a sleight of hand because you want it to be true.

Personally, I'd LOVE to be convinced anthropomorphic climate change isn't happening, but so far in almost 30 years not a single one of you skeptics has put forward solid ground that it isn't.

I've seen more low quality astroturfed 'climate-skeptic' vids than you can shake a stick at, and every single one is either by a moron, or an obviously corrupted and dishonest POS funded by the oil industry, making utterly spurious arguments.

Perhaps if the climate-skeptic group were more impressive, and less like showy conmen (And conwomen), they may be more persuasive.

I'm afraid it's you that has fallen for cheap manipulators.

"Why don't you study how over the horizon radar works too? "

I can handle - barely - arguing about climate change. I'm sure as fuck not going to bother arguing about whether the Earth is flat or not, if that's your point.

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Working at sea as a commercial fisherman before going on to study oceanography made me hyper aware of tides, currents, wind and weather. Living in a farming community and talking daily to the farmers offers a great fountain of knowledge on my local climate. Yes the climate has changed a bit most of the old timers tell me, the winters are milder but the summers are much damper.

Take a look around your locality, look for evidence of where climate change has affected your locality, talk to people who live and depend on the weather.

Just because the media bombard us everyday with climate crisis nonsense, as well as covid and other nonsense, this doesn't mean it's real.

Seriously bud, I don't listen to or watch anybody to form my own opinions on serious matters such as global war, pandemics or climate change. I read and study both sides.

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I can tell you straight up that this locale has become considerably milder in the winter, and equally also wetter in the summer too. There was usually a medium level of snow every year as a kid (I emigrated for several years and came back after my parents passed), and there hasn't been snow now for a decade, several decades if not counting one night snow-drifts.

It's a bit harder to judge sun/rain, memory has a habit of recalling lots of sunny summer days, but it's a general consensus that summer has become atrocious, and the late spring early autumn periods are now the nicest for continuous sun.

I agree with your neighbours. And likely we are hundreds, if not thousands miles apart.

What confuses me is that you don't see this as part of, or even evidence for, climate change.

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Yep, and the water. More water is used by the Resnick family dynasty's pistachio and pomegranate farms in the CV than is used by LA every day, month and year. Which is not to say greedy developers and fools who wanted to live in "the hills" [which includes lots of beachfront property] are not to blame as well. Fires are natural and the Santa Ana winds historically push them downward or upward from their starting points. In the past, there were nowhere near as many houses in those hills but all they did was build, build, build and laugh all the way to the bank on the profits of Cali's extremely overpriced housing market.

And you're right about the taxes.

"...literally everything in America is corrupt."

Bingo. Present day USA is built on corruption. It used to be more behind-the-scenes, but it has gotten so far out into the open that they had to basically legalize it for all the dirty shysters in city, state and federal government as well as their billionaire class benefactors, which is the class of people our "leaders" and elected officials really represent. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnel liquidated any stocks just before the big fires. We know they did on Nvidia (at least Peloser did - as she has a "totally legal and above board" privilege to do (used to be called "insider trading" but that only applies to us little guys now).

Agree that it was a well written article.

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"We know they did on Nvidia (at least Peloser did - as she has a "totally legal and above board" privilege to do (used to be called "insider trading" but that only applies to us little guys now). "

I hadn't heard she'd done that. Unbelievable corruption.

And the citizens just take it blankly.

"Democracy" my arse!

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Of course that corrupt c*nt did. When it comes to Congress and insider trading, when Pelosi's name comes up, one is safer to assume it happened than that it didn't.


Open, "legal" corruption. Then again, don't get me started on Trump and Melania's meme coins. Imagine if Evil Dictator Vlad Putler did this shit? The American media and government would be apoplectic. Like Imagine Putin 'created' a VVP crypto token on the eve of - or just after - his election, and then he and his cronies cashed out right after the "IPO" like Trump and his did.

The USA is a giant pile of corrupt horse manure and on the way to full "Idiocracy" mode.

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Ahh, that was just her 'magic crystal ball', not at all 'insider trading'.

After all, insider trading is illegal, and she changed the Law so it her actions weren't illegal (Didn't need the SCOTUS for that, Trump should learn), therefore rationally it cannot be 'insider trading'.

I suspect the Bush cabal would have called it "Enhanced Trading", with that magical way of renaming illegal things so it's no longer illegal.

"It was NOT a bank robbery, your honour, it was an "Enhanced withdrawal", and there's not one law against enhanced withdrawals!".

TBF to Trump, HIS scam was strictly not illegal - his money came from the chumps who knowingly bought the crypto. And there IS the chance that in the long run, they might well get their 'investment' back if the crypto succeeds.

Lmao, his face if the crypto does so well within the year, he could have doubled his take if he'd not cashed out, would be a joy to behold.

Still, what - $10+ billion overnight? And not in stocks that could crash, but cold, hard cash?

I doubt he'd have thought of this scam if the Demonrats hadn't done their best to bankrupt him. Consequences. The same bunch of cretins are now learning this about "International sanctions" as well. ;)

Not that they will learn.

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> January 14, 2025: Pelosi disclosed purchasing 50 call options for Nvidia at a strike price of $80, with an expiration date of January 16, 2026, valued between $250,001 and $500,000.

> December 31, 2024: Pelosi reported selling 10,000 Nvidia shares valued between $1 million and $5 million.

> December 20, 2024: Pelosi disclosed exercising 500 call options purchased on > November 22, 2023, acquiring 50,000 shares at a strike price of $12 with an expiration date of December 20, 2024, valued between $500,001 and $1 million.

> July 26, 2024: Pelosi disclosed a purchase of 10,000 shares of Nvidia worth between $1 million and $5 million.

> June 26, 2024: Pelosi disclosed a purchase of 10,000 shares of Nvidia worth between $1 million and $5 million.

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Tipping points ahoy! Threaten Russia and China. Assault your allies Canada, Panama, Columbia, Denmark. Please carry right on.

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I feel really sorry for the residents, not the gazillionsires or celebrities. Fire insurance is harder and harder to get in California, leaving average income earners with no option other than homelessness. I have family in several locations in southern California. The ones who are not at risk of burning down live in concrete jungles, expensive condos without any natural plant growth to catch fire. The western mentality which promotes consuming everything in sight plus the thoughtless weirdos have led to this. I wonder how the tree huggers feel about not having any trees left.

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In SF they recently turned an abandoned reservoir at Francisco Hyde into a crappy park with fake grass for large dogs.


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