Good day, everyone! I was talking to a nice person who works with Mikhail Popov, and I was thinking that I'd offer the audience a chance to ask directly any questions about anything that they still aren't clear about regarding the maps. We will answer those questions on the East Calling Sunday show tomorrow, if there are any.
The more detailed (not complex) the questions are, the more detailed the answers will be!
Watch the show on Twitter tomorrow, Sunday, at 8pm Moscow time, and 12pm USA Eastern Standard Time!
Hi Marat,
Something that bothers me and has for quite some time is this…
We know Russia ex the alleged “Gentleman’s Agreement” negotiated and agreed defining terms to be abided by for the SMO which Agreement it has been reported, consists of and provides assurances to these Western Warmongers that their safety will be assured and guaranteed whilst visiting that Nazi riddled shitzen hole, Kiev, further that when permission has been sought it has virtually always been granted… the Question is Why? especially given the warmongering Wests predilection to always denigrate, malign, to deride Russia, its peoples all things Russian, certainly there is a genuine lack of respect for and or due cognisance given for having received such assurances from Russia, further, it seems post each of these visits to see that cross dressing drug addled pervert Elinskyy, he who banned and passed law making it illegal to use the letter “Z” in that Nazi shithole Ukraine, go figure, what.. does he think his name is Smith?😂😂😂😂😂 … fool, well as I was saying it seems post every such visit by the Western warmongers, together their Western Intelligence operatives/couriers in tow that the Nazis attack the homeland, either via a terrorist strike or more latterly a Stormshadow or ATACM’s… so, Why, why continue permitting such visits into what after all is a war zone… a hot zone in a kinetic conflict…
Personally I say it’s time to end such benevolence and favour… f..k them all I say, they go to that NAZI HQ they risk never returning… let them decide how brave they truly are…
One last thing if I may… Finally… as I have been at pains to opine with near every comment I have previously opined and submitted on Russia and the SMO, Russia cannot, must not through its leadership be so misguided as to believe the West … read U.S as head of the snake, will grant them any favour, nope, they the West have proven given their gross malfeasance when it comes to abiding any Agreed Terms, including those sanctioned before that holier than thou and now captured and corrupted international institution.. the U.N and its UNSC, that they, the West are unable, they cannot adhere unto nor meet any said agreed and signed unto commitments, treatise, contracts etc… thus Russia has to, must unequivocally dictate conflict cessation terms, doing so absolutely, completely, no obeisance, no more Minsk 1 and 2 kow towing, none… F..k the Rothschild and Rockefeller assholes and their Club of Rome, Trilateral commission, Chatham House, Council Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council and Fat Bastard Robert Kagan together the NGO’s, Think Tanks and Foundations lobbying on behalf of, writing policy for these warmongering sociopaths.
I say Russia through any such negotiations play hardball, that Russia, stick and shoves terms that are so unpalatable the West… right up them, that there is no mercy, just as they’ve gleefully laid siege unto and assaulted Russia and its allies with no thought as to the consequences the sanctions, denigrating, lies told, the projection to which Russia and its peoples have been subjected, nope, I say let them, these Western assholes experience the same feeling of frustration, including just as Japan was exposed to aboard the USS Missouri at the conclusion of WW2, just as Germany faced at Versailles after WW1, enduring terms imposed upon them, by the present Western marmongers predecessor bastards, who manipulated, funded both Japan and Germany into the Wars fought, in doing so, playing out their grand strategy of funding both sides of conflict, the ultimate Win/Win for these assholes, a centuries old tactic, a tactic perfected as we know the near hundred year war in Europe, these warmongers have for years fomented this chaos, they orchestrated and encouraged the protagonists in both World Wars involving both Japan and Germany, funding them, goading them, encouraging them, until their, the Western warmongers goal was achieved, War… even continuing funding Hitler we know under Prescott Bush, Henry Ford (Ford as we know, supplied ICE Units and Parts to power German Heavy Transport) and his Wall Street banking/finance mates long after the U.S had actually entered and declared War against Germany, shades of the present SMO, it’s all predicated the money, resources, Government Contracts (Arms) thus we are looking to Russia to impose terms to be surrendered unto, an absolute surrender of the West, its long overdue, to do any less invites another go round, another conflict, at a time they, these reprobate Western assholes will undoubtedly be planning presently to enter into, they will know already when they believe they can take Russia on, are readying for it, so I say deny them, foot on the throat and not removed unless there is a total capitulation…. surrender… thus drive it home. Hence the Question … how confident are you that Russia and its leadership will take the 8/9 Oblasts, including Odessa, all must be taken back and incorporated the Russian Federation as well as Transnistria, ensuring the long term survival of Russian citizens in those locales, doing so by demanding terms so onerous Trump is boxed such that he cannot accede, should he unexpectedly do so, great, a wonderful gain and win, but given he’s unlikely to agree terms put forward, will that greenlight Russia taking the 8 Oblasts up to the Dneiper including establishing the land corridor to Trannistria via Odessa… completely nullifying this Nazi NATO threat… if Russias leadership won’t, why not, what are they hoping to gain from the West not pursuing such an outcome?
If you doubt any truth to the same, the Warmongers history, let me remind you, they’ve, these Western warmongers have been at this, fomenting War, conflict, assassination of global leaders the last five centuries (500+ years) culminating where we find ourselves today, with Russia the only bulwark standing against them… educate yourself read the outstanding outstanding synopsis that follows… just saying, by the way… your welcome.
Kia Kaha from New Zealand ..
Global Cabal…. The Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, J.P Morgan and Others Who Control Our World.. Reprobates All… The Dark Forces in Control of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire … Fomenting every Major Conflict the Last Five Centuries… The True Source of the World’s Crisis. Richard C. Cook
Ex Global Research 18.01.2025 NZPST Filed Colour Coded “YELLOW”
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